4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988 - Budapest Hungary
At the
beginning of the Proceedings are presented the general preface
by The 172
communications are classified according to the 5 congress sessions
and by alphabetical order of the first author name in each session.
summary (abstract), is most generally at the end of each communication
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Holdas S., 1988. 4th World Rabbit Congress : Preface. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 1 | |
Finzi A., 1988. Problems of rabbit production. in developing countries. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 64-78 | |
Patton N.M., 1988. Important factors affecting doe losses. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 83-88 | |
Vrillon J.L., Thébault R.G.,1988. Evaluation of Angora wool standardizationof of testing methods. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 79-82 | |
Cheeke P.R., 1988. Rabbit production in North America, Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 57-61 | |
El-Shamy S., 1988. Economics of rabbit industry in A.R.E. [Egypt], Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 20-27 | |
Facchin E., 1988. Rabbit production in Italy. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 35-41 | |
Fris Jensen J.,1988. Rabbit production in Denmark. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 17-19 | |
Fujita J., 1988. Rabbiyt production in Japan. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 41-42 | |
Hoffmann I., 1988. Rabbit production in Burkina Fasso. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 286-295 | |
Maertens L, Peeters J.E., 1988. Belgian rabbit production and research. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 5-8 | |
Niedzwiadeck S., 1988. Rabbit breeding and production in Poland. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 50-56 | |
Rafay J., Parkanyi V., 1988. The rabbit breeding in Czechoslovakia. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 11-16 | |
Schlolaut W., Löliger C., 1988. Report about the rabbit production in the Federal Republic of Germany. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 28-34 | |
Steenland E.N., 1988. Rabbit production in the Netherlands. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 44-49 | |
Zhongshen Y., 1988. Rabbit production in China. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 1, 9-10 | |
Rochambeau H. de , 1988. Genetics of the rabbit for wool and meat production (1984-1987). Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 1-68 | |
Baselga M., Deltoro J., Camacho J., Blasco A., 1988. Genetic analysis on lung injury in four strains of meat rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 120-128 | |
Bochno R., Janiszewska M., Alina Lewczuk A., Szczepanik G., 1988. Slaughter value Danish White and Californian White rabbits and their crosses. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 189-196. | |
Bolet G., Brun J.M., Hulot F., 1988. Relationships between ovulation rate and embryonic survival in various strains of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 149-157. | |
Brun J.M., Ouhayoun J..1988. Growth performances and carcass traits in three strains of rabbits and their two-way crosses. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 168-176 | |
Brun J. M., Rouvier R., 1988. Evolution of the genetic parameters of litter traits in crosses of two selected strains of rabbits : a synthesis. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 158-167 | |
Castellini C., Panella F., 1988. Heritability of pre- and post-weaning weights in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 112-119 | |
Chiericato G.M., Filotto U.,1988. Experimental results on fattening performance and carcass characteristics in New Zealand White, Hyla and Provisal rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 294-301 | |
Coudert P., Licois D., Besnard J., 1988. Establishment of a specified pathogen free breeding colony (SPF) without hysterectomy and hand-rearing procedures. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 137-148 | |
Estany J., Baselga M., Blasco A., Camacho J., 1988. A comparison between Blup and index for selection on litter size. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 69-77. | |
Estany J., Baselga M., Blasco A., Camacho J., 1988. Estimation of genetic trend of rabbit growth rate by mixed model methodology. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 104-110. | |
Jaitner J., Zimmermann E., Dempfle L., 1988. Genetic and phenotypic parameters of wool yield in Angora rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 239-243. | |
Jamrika M., 1988. Influence of inbreeding to the potential fertility in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 322. | |
Kosba M.A., Ebo El-Ezz Z.R.,1988. Some factors affecting body weight and dressing percentage in two breeds od rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 177-188 | |
Lukefahr·S. D., 1988. Conservation of global rabbit germplasm resources. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 129-136. | |
Mach K., Safarevá P., 1988. Pure breeding and commercial crossing of broiler-type barrits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 326-324 | |
Niedzwiadeck S., 1988. The furrier value of young meat rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 302-312. | |
Rafel O., Tran G., Ramón J., Bosch A., Valls R., Ducrocq V., 1988. Selection for litter weight at 56 days with overlapping generations in a white synthetic strain of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 79-86 | |
Ristic M., Schlolaut W., Lange K., 1988. Influence of final fattening weight on the carcass value and meat quality of young fattening rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 197-208 | |
Rochambeau H. de, Thébault R.G., Loyer G., 1988. Some aspects of the demographic structure of the French Angora rabbit breed. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 218-226 | |
Rochambeau H. de , Tran G., Vrillon J.L. 1988. Description of a selection experiment for total litter weight at weaning per doe and per year in two Rex rabbit strains. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 87-95 | |
Rochambeau H. de, Tudeia F. , Chabert J ., 1988. Some results about number of teats in 3 strains of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 261-268 | |
Schley, P., Schlolaut, W., 1988. Results and aspects of the Angora rabbit performance test in Germany. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 203-217. | |
Szendrö Zs., Ballay A., Ráczkevy S., Biró E., 1988. Progeny test on station in Hungary (Preliminary report). Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 289-293 | |
Szendrö Zs., Kustos K., Richter J., 1988. Study of the interrelationships between production characteristics of rabbit does. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 276-283 | |
Szendrö Zs., Kustos K., Richter J., 1988. Estimation of heritability of live weights and weight gains in different ages of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 284-288. | |
Szendrö Zs., Láng M., Szabó J., 1988. Reproductive ability of rabbit daughters in relation to the size of their mother litter. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 96-103 | |
Thébault R.G., Rochambeau H. de , 1988. Production data and demographic parameters of a French Angora rabbit strain. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 227-238 | |
Varga L., Pálovics Á., 1988. Parentage control in the rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 254-260. | |
Vidovic V., 1988. Use of BLUP for the estimation of genetic response to selection in some reproduction and production traits in rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 78 | |
Vrillon J.L., Thébault R.G., Rochambeau H. de, Dardant P., 1988. Photoperiodism effect on fur maturity and fur quality of rabbits, owning or not Rex gene. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 244-253. | |
Yamani K.A., 1988. Boom of rabbit production in Egypt. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 313-321. | |
Fekete S., 1988. Recent findings and future perspectives of rabbit's digestive physiology. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 327-344 | |
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Abo Elezz Z.R., Kosba M.A., Badawy A.M. , Radwan A.A., 1988. Improving fertility of the female. rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 526-542 | |
Allain D., Thébault R.G., 1988. Effects of various melatonin treatments on summer wool production in Angora rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 441-448 | |
Corti M., Greppi G.F., Serrantoni M.,Nordio C., Ruffini Castrovilli C., 1988. Effects of different dietary protein levels in N.Z.W. rabbits : blood constituents and urinary nitrogen compounds. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 379-387 | |
Deltoro J.,, Lopez A., Camacho J., 1988. Prediction equations for meat chemical composition in growing rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 352-360 | |
Fan B. Xiong H. Shao C., 1988. | |
Fan B., Xiong H., Shao C., 1988. Superovulation and embryo transfer in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 520. | |
Fan B., Xiong H., Shao C., 1988. Studies on superovulation in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 521 | |
Fébel H., Régius Á., 1988. Effect of varying calcium intake on the parameters of calcium and phosphorus metabolism of growing Angoras. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 449-457 | |
Fébel H., Szegedi B., Keresztes M., Juhász B., 1988. Determination of extracellular fluid volume by 24Na isotope in Angoras. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 395-403 | |
Fekete S., Rudas, P., 1988. Serum thyroid hormone levels and outer-ring monodeiodination of thyroxine in rabbits treated with different amounts of perchloric acid ammonia ( PAA ). Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 434-440. | |
Finzi A., Kuzminsky G., Morera P., 1988. Evaluation of thermotolerance parameters for selecting thermotolerant rabbit strains. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 388-394 | |
Finzi A., Morera P., Kuzminsky G., 1988. Acclimatation and repeatability of thermotolerance parameters in rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 419-426. | |
Gábor Gy. Zoldág L. , Falkay Gy., 1988. Sex determination-of newborn rabbits with visual and hormone level measuring methods. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 488-494 | |
Gidenne T., 1988. Ileal digestibility measures on canulated rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 345-351. | |
Hu J.F., Hong Z.Y., Leng H.R., Wang Q.X., 1988. The variabilities in the quality of semen of German Angora and Chinese Angora in summer and autumn. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 524 | |
Hu H.F., Liu T.Z., Hong Z.Y., 1988. Influence of different kinds of carbohydrtae and various amount of DMSO in media on the quality of frozen rabbit semen. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 523 | |
Lammers H.J., Petersen J., Pauw R., 1988. Studies on the reproductive performance of female hybrid rabbits under different intensities of use. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 472 | |
Liu T.Z., Hu J.F., Hong Z.Y., 1988. Observation on the changes in ultrastructure of frozen rabbit sperm with scanning and freeze-etching methods. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 525 | |
Lopez A., Deltoro J., Camacho J., 1988. Quantitative growth of rabbit organs. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 370-378 | |
Mariana J.C., Hulot F., Tomassone R., Dervin C., Poujardieu B., 1988. Estimate of the average duration of the ovarian follicle growth. A comparative study in two strains of rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 473-485 | |
Mézes M., Pusztai A., 1988. Investigation on vitamin E and lipid peroxide status of does blood during pregnancy. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 541-548. | |
Morisse J.P., Boilletot E., Maurice R., 1988. Incidence of nitrites in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 427-433 | |
Ouhayoun J., Delmas D., 1988. Meat quality of rabbit. l. Differences between muscles in post mortem pH. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 412-418. | |
Ouhayoun J., Delmas D., 1988. Meat quality of rabbit. II Effects of chilling and storage conditionson carcass shrinkage and muscular pH. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 583-588 | |
Parkáayi V., Rafay J., Kolataj A., Letkovicová M., 1988. Influence of short lasting starvation upon the leucocytes of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 567-575 | |
Radnai I., Zelei Tóth I., Bán B., 1988. Investigations on semen abnormalities of Angora rabbits (Preliminary report). Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 465-471. | |
Rodriguez J.M., Ubilla E., 1988. Effect of sexual receptivity on ovulation response in rabbit does induced with GnRH. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 504-509 | |
Rudas P., Fekete S. 1988. Changes in the lipid ratio of the diet causes immediate adaptation of the thyroid economy in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 404-411 | |
Schumacher J., 1988. Investigation to the temperature behaviour of rabbits in pyrogen tests. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 551-566. | |
Szabó I., 1988. Way and effect of food-urea in organism of rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 577-582 | |
Ubilla E., Rodriguez J.M., 1988. Influence of systematic induction of parturition in the rabbit during its reproductive life, with a synthetic analogue of PGF2 alfa (etiproston). Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 494-503. | |
Viard F., Provost F., 1988. Plasma progesterone levels in pregnant doe rabbits : relation with pathology observed in maternity ward. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2,510-518 | |
Vicente J.S., Peris J.L., Camacho. J., 1988. Quantitative growth of bone and muscular tissues in meat rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 361-369 | |
Virányi Kovács A., 1988. Histological examination of the hair follicles of Angora rabbits from various body regions in different seasons. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 576 | |
Xiong H.Q., Shao C.R., Fan B.Q., 1988. Development of developing status and varying numbers of rabbit embryos after transfer to recpients. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 552 | |
Zoldág L., Gábor Gy., Molnár, L.., Solti L., 1988. Progesterone concentrations of New Zealand rabbits in varied reproductive phases. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 2, 486-493 | |
Parigi-Bini R., 1988. Developments and future goals in research on nutrition of intensively reared rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 1-29 | |
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Battaglini M., Grandi A., 1988. Some observations on feeding behaviour of growing rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 79-87 | |
Berchiche M., Lebas F., Ouhayoun J., 1988. Field bean (Vicia faba minor) as protein source for rabbit : effects on growth and carcass quality. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 148-153 | |
Beynen A., 1988. Growth performance by rabbits fed diets containing various levels of corn oil. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 230-234 | |
Blas E., Fernández-Carmona J., Cervera C., 1988. Effect of digestive activity and starch intake on amylase activity in saliva and pancreatic juice of rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 68-73 | |
Cervera C., Alberich M.J.,.Blas E. Simplicio J.B., 1988. Evaluation of diet and remating interval after parturition on the growth of litters of different size. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 30-35 | |
Fekete S., Gippert R. - Hullár I., Szilágyi M., 1988. Effect of dietary copper sulfate concentration on digestion growth rate and some blood parameters of broiler rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 198-205 | |
Fekete S., Tamás J., Ványi A., Glávits R., Bata Á., 1988. Effect of T-2 toxin on feed intake and digestion of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 115-122 | |
Fris Jensen J., 1988. Some preliminary results from investigations with grain and straw from fields treated with weedkiller [ Round-up, Reglone and Cerone]. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 191-197 | |
Furuichi Y., Takahashi T., 1988. Cecum-separation in rabbits and its effects on fecal composition and digestibility. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 282-289 | |
Gippert T., Hullár I., Szabó S., 1988. Nutritive value of agricultural by-products in rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 154-162 |
Gippert T., Lacza S., Hullár J., 1988. Utilisation of agricultural by-products in the nutrition of rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 163-172 | |
Grandi A., Battaglini M., 1988. Trifolium pratense L, hay in diets of growing rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 123-131. | |
Greppi G.F., Ruffini Castrovilli C. , Corti M., Serrantoni M., 1988. Effects of different dietary protein contents in N.Z.W. rabbits on balance and carcass composition. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 88-95 | |
Henics, Z., Tossenberger J., 1988. Digestibility of nutrients between the period op two wool-cuttings of Angora rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 269-273. | |
Hullár I., Lacza-Szabó S., 1988. Effect of pregnancy and lactation on the digestibility of nutrients in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 59-67 | |
Johnston N.P., Uzcategui M.E., 1988. Effect of Lupinus mutabilis (Chocho) on the lactation and growth of rabbits and guinea pigs. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 132-140 | |
Kametaka M., Monzen Y., 1988. Apparent digestibility of nutrients and energy in a semi-purified diet as pellet form. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 239-247 | |
Kormann A., Fenster R, Tagwerker F., 1988. Beta-carotene in rabbit nutrition. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 206-212 | |
Lacza-Szabó S., Gippert T., Hullár I., Virág G., Kustos K., 1988. Application of "Streptococcus faecium M-74" in fattening of rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 181-190 | |
Lacza-Szabó S., Hullár I., Gippert T., 1988. Nitrovin in fattening of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 173-180 | |
Lebas F., 1988. First attempt to study chick-peas utilization in growing rabbits feeding. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 244-248 | |
Lebas F., Ouhayoun J., Delmas D., 1988. Effects of hempseed oil cake introduction in rabbit feeding on growth performance and carcass quality. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 254-260 | |
Lebas F., Thébault R.G., 1988. Influence of ad libitum feeding 5 weeks after plucking on wool production in Angora rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 249-253 | |
Lebas F. , Viard-Drouet F., Coudert P., 1988. Reproduction and morbidity of rabbit does : effects of diet energy level and origin - First results. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 53-58 | |
Liang Q. Z.,He N. R., Hou F. A., Li W. G., Ren K. L., Zhang L. J., 1988. The effect of compound additive on the growth, feed efficiency and diarrhoea of rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 224-229 | |
Maertens L., De Groote G., 1988. Influence of the dietary energy content on the performances of post-partum breeding does. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 42-52 | |
Pethes G., Gábor Gy, 1988. Effect of beta carotene feeding in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 281 | |
Seroux M., 1988. Spring peas as a source of protein for doe rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 141-147 | |
Simplicio J.B., Cervera C., Blas E., 1988. Effect of two different diets and temperatures on the growth of meat rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 74-78 | |
Simplicio J. B., Fernandez-Carmona J., Cervera C., 1988. Effect of a high ambient temperature on the reproductive response of the commercial doe rabbit . Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 36-41 | |
Szendró Zs., Szabó S., Hullár I., 1988. Effect of reduction of eating time on production of growing rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 104-114 | |
Tag-El-Den T..H., Mervat A.A., Molnar J., 1988. Effect of restricting feeding periods on feed intake and digestibility of dry matter in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 213-222 | |
Tag-El-Den T.H., Molnar J., 1988. Studies on feather meal supplementation in rabbit's diets. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 261-268 | |
Tossenberger, J., Henics Z., 1988. Effect of energy, protein and sulphur containing amino acids on wool production of Angora rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 274-280 | |
Xiccato G. , Cinetto M., 1988. Effect of nutritive level and of age on feed digestibility and nitrogen balance in rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 96-103 | |
Peeters J.E., 1988. Recent advances in intestinal pathology of rabbits and further perspectives. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 293-315 | |
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Camguilhem R., Milon A., 1988. Protection of rabbit against experimental Escherichia coli O-103 intestinal infection by oral formalin-killed vaccine. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 325-333 | |
Coudert P., Licois D., Provot F., 1988. Differential diagnosis of Eimeria species from the rabbit. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 480 | |
Coudert P., Provot F., 1988. Lasalocid : tolerance for the rabbit and activity against E. flavescens and E. intestinalis. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 418-427 | |
Cringoli G., Papparella V., Mondino G., Di Meo C., Rossi M., 1988. Experimental study on the tolerability of aminosidine sulphate given orally to the rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 365-378 | |
Gábor Gy., Bertók L., 1988. Experiments on the preventive effect of Tolerin on upper respiratory diseases in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 463-469 | |
Galassi D., Di Emidio B., Semprini P., Antonucci D., Ambrosii L., 1968. Safety ánd efficacy of the "BORGHI" strain vaccine against myxomatosis. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 438-446 | |
Gallazzi D., 1988. Pathological aspects of meat rabbit floor-pen breeding. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 409-417 | |
Glávits, R., Ványi A., Fekete S., Tamás J., 1988. Acute toxicological experiment of T-2 toxin in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 495-497 | |
Hage M.H. van der, 1988. The morphogenesis of the small intestinal mucosa of the rabbit - a stereomicroscopical study. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 347-355 | |
Kpodekon M. 1988. Hygiene and pathology in rabbit-farms in Benin [in French]. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 498-511 | |
Licois D., Coudert P., Boivin M., Viard F., Provot F., 1988. Selection and characterization of a precocious line of Eimeria intestinalis, an intestinal rabbit coccidium. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 386-398 | |
Morisse J.P., Le Gall G., Boilletot E., Maurice R., 1988. Food poisoning by antibiotics residues in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 379-385 | |
Nagy B. , Hornyák ., Szemerédi G. , Salló B. , Majoros G., 1988. Significance of rotavirus in postweaning diarrhea of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 316-324 | |
Nógrádi S., Sinkovics G. Facsar I., 1888. Examinations of the effectiveness of Salinomycin administering in different ways in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 481-491 | |
Okerman L. and Devriese L.A., 1988. Intestinal colonization with different rabbit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli biotypes and cross protection induced by different strains. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 521-529 | |
Papp Z., Rafai P., 1988. Impact of heat stress on pregnant rabbits and on the development and viability of their foetuses. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 470-478 | |
Peeters J.E., Geeroms R., Halen P.H., 1988. Epidemiology of coccidiosis in commercial rabbits (1982-1987) and resistance against Robenidine. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 399-408 | |
Peeters J.E., Geeroms R., Ørskov F., 1988. Biotype, serotype and pathogenicity of attaching effacing enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheic commercial rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 334-346 | |
Tiecco G., Mondino G., Francioso E., 1988. Assessment of the residues in rabbit after oral treatment with aminosidine sulphate in water. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 356-364 | |
Vanyi, A.Bata A., Fekete S., Tamas J., 1988. Study of the metabolism and excretion of T-2 toxin, a trichothecene fusariotoxin, in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 512-520 | |
Varga I., Horváth G., 1988. Encephalitozoonosis: attempts to measure the influence of the spontaneous infection on the weight gain of rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 447-455 | |
Vörös G., Barna J., 1988. Efficacy of Toltrazuril (Baycox®) in the prevention of hepatic coccidiosis in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 428-437 | |
Xu W.Y., Du N.X., Liu S.G., 1988. New virus isolated from hemorrhagic disease in rabbits. Proceedings 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October 1988, Budapest Hungary, Vol. 3, 456-462 | |