Opening Ceremony - Video
Click on the Name of the
first author to load the
text of the communication
For most of the communications (according to the will of the authors)
the full text of the communication is followed by the slides of the oral presentation
or by a copy of the poster displayed during the congress
During the Congress
in Nantes the oral pesentation of most communications (including invited papers)
and the round tables were recorded
To see the videos (presentations + questions),
clic on the word VIDEO
after the
title of the corresponding communication or round table
For each communication, after the name of the authors , their country is indicated between brackets
Closing Ceremony - Video
González-Mariscal G. - Neuroendocrinology applied to rabbit breeding (invited paper). Communication BP-00 - VIDEO
García M.L., Gunia M., Argente M.J. (Spain, France) - Genetic factors of functional traits (invited paper). Communication BG-00 - No Video (Author's request)
Some of the videos of this session are not available due to technical issues. We apologize
I., Muelas
R., García M.L., Hernández P., Santacreu M.A., Armero E., Blasco
A., Argente M.J. (Spain) - Correlated response in plasma fatty acids profile
in rabbits selected for environmental sensitivity. Comunication BG-02.
Casto-Rebollo C.,
Argente M.J., Garcia M.L., Blasco A., Ibáñez-Escriche N. (Spain)
- Immunological genes selected for environmental variance could control the
animal resilience. Cpmmunication BG-04.
Demars J.,
Labrune Y., Iannuccelli N., Aymard P., Benitez F., Leroux S., Gilbert
H., Riquet J. (France) - Deciphering the molecular architecture of the coat
colour variability in a European rabbit population. Communication BG-05.
Eiben Cs.,
Mészáros M., Gulyás B.,Végi B., Drobnyák
Á., Barna J., Molnár T., Szalay I.T., Liptói K. (Hungary)
- Conservation and performance of the native Hungarian Giant rabbit breed.
Communication BG-06.
Garreau H.,
Labrune Y., Chapuis H. , Ruesche J., Riquet J., Demars J., Benitez F.,
Richard F., Drouilhet L., Zemb O., Gilbert H. (France) - Genome wide association
study of growth and feed efficiency traits in rabbits. Communication BG-07.
Girardie O.,
Robert R., Maupin M., Hurtaud J., Joly T., Ruesche J., David I., Garreau H.,
Canario L. (France) - Genetic trends in doe and kit behaviour and performances
assessed with comparison of old- and modern-type lines in a crossfostering
design. Communicaion BG-08 - VIDEO
Gunia M.,
Lantier F., Bed'hom B., Guitton E., Helies V. Helloin E., Herbert C., Maupin
M., Riou M., Robert R., Shrestha M., Garreau H. (France) - Pasteurella
multocida experimental infection 2): genetic parameters. Communication
Herbert C.,
Yviquel J., Flatres-Grall L., Pong-Wong R., Lenoir G. (France, Scotland) -
Optimal contribution selection in C line Hycole: prospect for genetic gain.
Communication BG-10.
Iannucelli N.,
Cabau C., Sarry J., Bouchez O., Billon Y., Riquet J., Allain D., Demars J.
(France) - Heterologous hybridization using the human exome - A molecular
tool to target and identify major genes. Communication BG-11.
Laghouaouta H.,
Sosa-Madrid B.S., Zubiri-Gaitán A., Blasco A., Hernández P.
(Spain) - Genome-wide association study for fatty acid composition in rabbits.
Communication BG-14.
Machado L. C., Faria
C. G. S., Zeferino C. P., Castilha L. D., Silveira J. M. M., Silva V. G. P.,
Pereira D. L. (Brazil) - Productive performance and mortality in growing rabbits
from different genotypes. Communication BG-15.
Nagy I.,
Farkas J., Atkári T., Kövér Gy. (Hungary) - Estimating
lethal equivalent of the Pannon White rabbit population applying generalised
linear mixed models. Communication BG-17.
Oseni, S.O.,
Bashiru, H.A., Atumah C. (Nigeria) On-farm phenotypic characterization of
heterogeneous rabbits for fertility and reproductive performance in south-western
Nigeria. Communication BG-18 - VIDEO
Piles M.,
Tusell L., Velasco-Galilea M., Ballester M., Sánchez J.P. (Spain, France)
- A comparative study of support vector machine and GBLUP to predict average
daily gain from single nucleotide polymorphisms. Communication BG-19.
Piles M.,
Sánchez J. P., Pascual M., Rodríguez-Ramilo S. T. (Spain, France)
- Inbreeding depression on growth and prolificacy traits. Communication BG-20
Piles M., Tusell
L., Velasco-Galilea M., Helies V., Drouilhet L., Zemb O., Sánchez J.P.,
Garreau H.,(Spain, France). Machine learning algorithms for the prediction
of feed efficiency based on caecal microbiota. Communication BG-21 -
Savietto D.,
Debrusse A.M., Bonnemère J.M., Labatut D., Aymard P., FortunLamothe
L., Gunia M., (France) . Characterization of the French rabbit breed Fauve-de-Bourgogne
in an intensive system. Communication BG-22.
Utzeri V.J.
Ribani A., Fontanesi L. (Italy) - Variability In the tyrosinase (TYR)
gene (the albino locus) in domestic and wild rabbits. Communication NG-23.
Zhang Kai,
Fu Xiangchao, Liu Ning, Wen Bin, Xu Changwen, Du Dan, Yu Zhiju, Jian Wensu,
Wang Ping, Guo Xiaolin, Wang Lihuan, Liu Hanzhong (China) - Rex rabbit illumina
sequencing and bioinformatics analysis on miRNA in testes. Communicaion BG-24.
A., Martínez-Álvaro,
M., Hernández P., Blasco A. (Spain) - Correlated response to selection
for intramuscular fat on the gut metagenomic profile. Communication BG-25.
Rödel H.G., (France) - Aspects of social behavior and reproduction in the wild rabbit - Implications for rabbit breeding ? (invited paper). Communication E-00 - VIDEO
de Greef K.H.,
Rommers J.M. (The Netherlands) - The Dutch route to improve commercial rabbit
welfare rather collectively than by law. Communication E-01 - VIDEO
Dutra D., Villegas-Cayllahua
E., Ferrari F., Costa M., Rein A., Silva A., Moraes P.,Borba H. (Brazil) -
Cage floor enrichment contributes to physical and thermal comfort of fattening
rabbits. Communication E-02.
Fetiveau M., Savietto
D., Warin L., Pujol S., Gidenne T., Huang Y., Fortun-Lamothe L., (France).
Outdoor access for growing rabbits: effect of stocking rate on behaviour and
performance. Communication E-03.
Fortun-Lamothe L.,
Breda J., Savietto D., Aymard P., Combes S., Gidenne T., Warin L., Huang Y.
(France) - Space use and exploratory behaviour in growing rabbit housed in
large partitioned pens. Communication E-04.
Gerencsér Zs.,
Farkas T.P., Nagy I., Odermatt M., Radnai I., Kasza R., Matics Zs. Szendrö
Zs. (Hungary) - Location preference of rabbit does in a pen system combining
group and individual housing. Communication E-05 - VIDEO
Guené-Grand E.,
Davoust C., Launay C. (France) - A new alternative outdoor housing method
(Wellap®) for fattening rabbits: first results. Communication E-06.
Guené-Grand E.,
Davoust C., Launay C. (France) - A new alternative outdoor housing method
(Wellap®) for fattening rabbits: behavior and space use. Communication
E-07 - VIDEO
Huang Y., Breda
J., Savietto D., Labatut D., Pujol S., Combes S., Gidenne T. , Warin L., Fortun-Lamothe
L.(France). Effect of housing and enrichment on behaviour and performance
of growing and reproducing rabbits. Communication E-08 - VIDEO
one common video for communications E-08, E-09 & E-10 presented
together by L. Fortun-Lamothe
Y., Breda J., Savietto D., Debrusse A., Combes S., Gidenne T., Warin
L., Fortun-Lamothe L., (France) - Part-time grouping of rabbit does in enriched
housing: effects on spatial position, performance and lesions. Communication
E-09. for the video see
communication E-08
Laclef E., Savietto
D., Warin L, Huang Y., Bonnemère J.M., Combes S., Gidenne T.,
Fortun-Lamothe L., (France) - Part-time group housing of familiar rabbit does
in large partitionned space: effects on performance and behaviour. Communication
E-10. for the video see
communication E-08
Pasqualin D.,
Zomeño C., Santagiuliana M., Dalla Costa A., Trocino A., Lavazza A.,
Dorigo F., Bonfanti L., Birolo M., Xiccato G., Menegon F., Di Martino G. (Italy)
- A protocol for measuring health and welfare of reproducing does and litters
in rabbit farms. Communication E-11 - VIDEO
A., Martinez-Paredes E., Villagrá A. (Spain) - Differences
in milk production and lactation-related behaviours in breeding does housed
in individual enriched cages and part-time systems. Communication E-12 - VIDEO
Rommers J., de
Greef K. (The Netherlands) - Are plastic mats effective for diminishing footpad
lesions of rabbit does? Survey after 10 years in the Netherlands. Communication
E-13 - VIDEO
Trocino A., Zomeño
C., Birolo M., Pirrone F. Xiccato G. (Italy) - Effect of grouping time and
group stability on behavior and aggression among rabbit does in a part-time
housing system. Communication E-14 - VIDEO
Van Damme L.,
Delezie E., Tuyttens F. A. M., Maertens L. (Belgium) - Advances in part-time
group housing systems for does: an overview of reproductive performances.
Communication E15 - VIDEO
Villegas-Cayllahua E.,
Dutra D., Cavalcanti E., Fidelis H., Montanhim G., Silva A., Moraes P., Borba
H. (Brazil) - Assessment of stress during handling of commercial
rabbits. Communication E-16,
Warin L., Mika
A., Souchet C., Bouvarel I. (France) - Feasibility and repeatability of the
Ebene® welfare assessment measures for rabbits. Communication E-17 - VIDEO
L.P., Lukefahr S.D. (China, USA) - Rabbit meat trade of major countries:
regional patterns and influencing factors (invited paper) Communication F-00
A., Blas E., Cervera C., Ródenas L., Martínez-Paredes
E., Pascual J.J. (Spain) - Towards a sustainable rabbit production system
combining genetic type and weaning strategy. Communication F-01 - VIDEO
Birolo M., Trocino
A., Zuffellato A., Xiccato G. (Italy) - Performance, mortality and slaughter
traits of group-housed rabbits submitted to different time-based feed restriction
programs. Communication F-02 - VIDEO
Gerencsér Zs.,
Kasza R., Radnai I., Matics Zs., Dalle Zotte A., Cullere M., Szendrö
Zs. (Hungary, Italy) - Effects of hair shearing on production performance
and carcass traits of growing rabbits in high ambient temperature. Communication
F-03 - VIDEO
Gidenne T. (France)
- Feed intake regulation strategies for the growing rabbit : a 2005-2015 retrospective
on economic and environmental impact in France. Communication F-04 - VIDEO
Goby J.P., Chevallier
L., Gidenne T. (France) - Organic rabbit pasturing: effect of grazing density
on grass intake and growth of the rabbit. Communication F-05 - VIDEO
Huang Y., Gigou
M., Goby J.P., Roinsard A., Savietto D., Gidenne T. (France) - Digital breeding
and assisted management in organic rabbit farming: the first results. Communication
F-06 - VIDEO
Li D.Y., Wu L.P.
(China) - Analysis of the competitiveness of Chinese rabbit industry. Communication
F-08 - VIDEO
Nate J.A., Natividad
E.D.C., Lavarias J.A., Gavino R.B., Castillo C.C. (Philippines) - Optimization
of biofeed plan and space requirement for rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.).
Communication F-10.
Pascual M., Martin
E., Fabre C., Garreau H., Gilbert H., Piles M., Sánchez M. , Sánchez
J.P. (Spain, France) - Is feed restriction an alternative to the use of antibiotics
in non controlled environment farms ? Communication F-13.
Paul A., Johnson
J., Lallo C. (Trinidad & Tobago) - The effects of stocking rate on growth
performance and welfare of the fattening rabbits when produced under humid
tropical condition in Trinidad. Communication F-14 - VIDEO
Rebours G.,
Raffin J., Vastel P., Reys S. (France) - Descriptive study of speed of fattening
rabbits' daily feed intake in constant and progressive hourly feeding with
two nutritional levels of feed. Communication F-15 - VIDEO
Common presentation of communications F-15 & F-16 ny G
Rebours G., Raffin
J., Vastel P., Reys S. (France) - Effect of a progressive hourly feeding and
nutritional level of feed on performance and feed cost of fattening rabbits.
Communication F-16 - Video : see previous communication
(common presentation)
Saiz del Barrio A.,
Perea-Goya L., Martín-Chaves E., Alfonso-Carrillo C., Marco M., Fernández
B., Terreros E., García-Ruiz A.I. (Spain) - Evolution of growth performance
and weight uniformity of growing rabbits under feed restriction. Communication
F-17 - VIDEO
Schwarz J., Schädler
J., Albini S., Peter-Egli J., Schüpbach G., Wiederkehr D. (Switzerland)
- Promoting rabbit health and welfare by collection and establishment of reliable
health and performance data in the two major Swiss meat rabbit integrations.
Communication F-18.
Silva K.G., Sotomaior
C.S. (Brazil) - Housing conditions of growing rabbits in Brazil. Proceedings
12th World Rabbit Congress - November 3-5 2021 - Nantes, France, Communication
Silva S.R., Guedes
C.M., Almeida, M., Pinheiro V. (Portugal) - Use of infrared thermography images
to predict live weight of growing rabbits. Communication F-21.
Zhang M.Y., Wu
L.P. (China) - Consumer demand for rabbit meat in urban China : 2011-2018.
Communication F-22
Shunli, Zhu J.F. (China) - Cost and benefit analysis of meat rabbit
breeding based on 2018 national survey data of 13 provinces [of China]. Communication
F-19 - VIDEO
E., Nicodemus N., Pascual J.J., García J. (Spain) - Challenges
in rabbit does feeding, including the young doe (invited paper). Communication
R., Ribeiro D.M., Martins C., Pinho M., Freire J.P.B., Falcão-e-Cunha
L. (Portugal) - Alternative feeds for the growing rabbit: carrot roots. Effect
on performance and digestion. Communication N-03 - VIDEO
Atkári T.,
Jós D., Gerencsér Zs., Nagy I. (Hungary) - Using a mixture of
red clover and bird's-foot trefoil in diets for growing rabbits. Communication
Boudour Khedidja,
Daoudi-Zerrouki Nacira, Lankri Elhassen, Aichouni Ahmed (Algeria) - Effect
of incorporation of Malva sylvestris powder in rabbit diets on zootechnical
and blood parameters. Communication N-06 - VIDEO
Chen J., Wang
J., Li P. (China) - Effects of dietary iron levels on growth performance and
iron metabolism-related genes expression in growing Rex rabbits.Communication
N-07 - VIDEO
Colin M., Prigent
A.Y., Van Lissum M. (France) - Effects of a fermented product of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae on growth, health and mortality of rabbits at two different
slaughtering ages. Communication N-08.
J.M.S., Madeira A.S., Nicolau J.T.S., Souza J.H.A., Ribeiro L.B.,
Castilha L.D. (Brazil) - Performance and blood parameters of rabbits fed diets
containing decreasing levels of alfalfa hay. Communication N-23.
De Oliveira F.,
Rani Z.T, Stuart J., Gous R.M. (South Africa) - Effect of non-conventional
and pelleted feed on Californian rabbit growth performance in South Africa.
Communication N-10,
Farias-Kovac C.,
Simbaña F., Reyes M., Ávila A.B., Carabaño R., Nicodemus
N., García J. (Spain) - Effect of cellobiose supplementation in drinking
water and feed restriction on apparent faecal digestibility and growth performance
in rabbits. Communication N-12.
Farias-Kovac C.,
Simbaña F., Reyes M., Ávila A.B., Carabaño R., Nicodemus
N., García J. (Spain) - Effect of cellobiose supplementation in drinking
water and feed restriction on energy and nitrogen retention efficiency in
growing rabbits. Communication N-13. VIDEO
of the communications 12 & 13 on cellobiose
Farias-Kovac C.,
Simbaña F., Reyes M., Carabaño R., Nicodemus N., García
J. (Spain) - Effect of xylooligosaccharides supplementation in drinking water
and feed restriction on faecal digestibility, growth traits and energy and
nitrogen retention efficiency in growing rabbits. Communication N-14. - VIDEO
Gayrard C., Bretaudeau
A., Gombault P., Hoste H., Gidenne T. (France) - Effects of dehydrated sainfoin
in rabbit diet on the performance of does and growing rabbits. Communication
N-15 - VIDEO
Gohier C., Menini
F.X., Bourdillon A. (France) - Effect of a feed supplemented with Cunidigest®
on fattening rabbit performances. Communication N-16 - VIDEO
Gonçalves C.,
Della Badia A., Martínez-Paredes E., Ródenas L., Blas E., Pascual
J.J. (Spain) - Fitting digestible protein to digestible energy ratio in growing
rabbits selected by growth rate. Communication N-17 - VIDEO
Guené-Grand E.,
Davoust C., Poisson A., Launay C. (France) - Impact of the access time to
the feeder before weaning on the growth performance of rabbits raised in litters
of 11 kits by multiparous rabbit does. Communication N-18 - VIDEO
Guermah H., Maertens
L. (Algeria, Belgium) - Nutritive value of dehydrated chicory pulp for fattening
rabbits. Communication N-19,
Harouz-Cherifi Z.,
Kadi S.A., Mouhous A., Bannelier C., Berchiche M., Gidenne T. (Algeria, France)
- Effect of increasing level of brewer's grain in diet of rabbits on growth
and carcass traits. Communication N-20.
Hernández M.,
Nouel-Borges G., Sánchez-Blanco R. (Venezuela) - Inclusion of Prosopis
juliflora pods preserved in sugar cane molasses and Leucaena leaves
in rabbits diets. Communication N-21. - VIDEO
Kouadio K.S.,
Yapi Y.M., Kimse M., Alla K.J.B., Sangare S., Gidenne T., Wandan E.N. (Côte
d'Ivoire, France) - Effects of sun-dried stylo hay (Stylosanthes guianensis
cv Ciat 184) on rabbits growth and slaughter performances. Communication N-22
Lebas F. (France)
- Bentonite in rabbit feeding - a short review. Communication N-24 - VIDEO
(physical presentation made by T. Gidenne)
Liu Tingting,
Cao Ningkun, Xia Xueru, Cui Jia, Chang Xingfa, Wei Yuchao, Sun Lei, Li Nan,
Chen Baojiang (China) - Effects of different starch sources on endogenous
nitrogen and energy losses in meat and wool rabbits. Communication N-26.
Malabous A.,
Robert D., Barotin.L., Prigent A.Y., Van Lissum M., Colin M. (France) - Influence
of metabolites derived from the fermentation of 2 strains of lactobacilli
distributed only in maternity on the reproductive and the total performances
of rabbits (maternity, growing fattening, slaughtering). Communication N-27
Matics Zs., Szendrö
Zs., Kasza R., Radnai I., Ács V., Dalle Zotte A., Cullere M., Singh
Y., Gerencsér Zs. (Hungary, Italy) - Effect of silkworm (Bombyx
mori) oil dietary inclusion on live performance and carcass traits of
growing rabbits. Communication N-29 .- VIDEO
Menini F.X.,
Gohier C., Bourdillon A., Leroy G. (France) - Effect of the monopropylene
glycol addition in drinking water at different periods during maternity period
on the performance of rabbit does and kits. Communication N-30 - VIDEO
Nursita I.W.,
Cholis N. (Indonesia) - The effect of complete feed substitution with kelor
(Moringa oleifera) dried leaves on the physiological and production performance
of male weaned crossed New Zealand White rabbits. Communication N-31.- VIDEO
Oliveira T.C.,
Nicolau J.T.S., Souza J.H.A., Leite S.M., Ribeiro L.B., Castilha L.D. (Brazil)
- Effect of physical form of diet and feeder type on performance of growing
rabbits. Communication N-33.
Paës C.,
Gidenne T., Bannelier C., Bébin K., Duperray J., Gohier C., Guené-Grand
E., Rebours G., Aymard P., Combes S. (France) - Suckling rabbit digestibility
: effect of the age at introduction of a starter feed. Communication N-34
Parra-Almao J.,
Nouel-Borges G., Sánchez-Blanco R. (Venezuela) - Effects of sugar cane
molasses, rice bran and Leucaena leucocephala leaves on digestibility
and performance of growing rabbits. Communication N-35. - VIDEO
Prado Y.M., Martínez-Paredes
E., López-Luján M.C, Ródenas L., Blas E. (Spain) - Digestibility
in lactating rabbit does and growing rabbit: a comparative study. Communication
N-36 - VIDEO
Raffin J., Rebours
G., Vastel P., Reys S. (France) - Effect of the dietary ratio between digestible
and indigestible fibres on the digestive health and performances of fattening
rabbits. Communication N-37. VIDEO
Ribeiro D.M.,
Martins C., Pinho M., Freire J.P., Falcão-e-Cunha L. (Portugal) - Effect
of using carob pulp in growing rabbit diets on performance, digestibility,
intestinal morphology and caecal parameters. Communication N-09.
S., Kimse M., Bléyéré M.N., Yapi J.N. (Côte
d'Ivoire) - Effect of spirulina (Spirulina platensis) on growth performance
and rabbit health (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Communication N-39 - VIDEO
Santinoni J.T.,
Miranda, V.M.M.C., Angelo S.S., Souza J.H.A., Ribeiro L.B., Castilha L.D.
(Brazil) - Performance and organ weights of growing rabbits fed diets with
extruded broken bean at various levels. Communication N-40.
Singh Y., Cullere
M., Gerencsér Zs., Matics Zs., Cappellozza S., Dalle Zotte A. (Italy,
Hungary) - Effect of dietary replacement of sunflower oil with silkworm (Bombyx
mori L.) oil on the total tract apparent digestibility and nutritive value
in growing rabbits. Communication N-41. -
Xiccato G., Birolo
M., Pascual Guzman Á., Bordignon F., Trocino A. (Italy) - Effect of
dietary supplementation with chestnut and grape pomace extracts on growth
performance, nutrient digestibility and meat quality of rabbits. Communication
N-42 - VIDEO
Amroun T., Daoudi-Zerrouki
N., Martin P., Miranda G., Charlier M. (Algeria , France) - . Impact of milk
composition on neonatal mortality in two strains of rabbits, the White Population
and the Synthetic Strain in Algeria. Communication O-02 - VIDEO
Boucher S., Nicolier A.,
Tatone F., Sauvaget S. (France) - Regarding a case of blue coloration on meat
rabbit carcasses. Communication O-03 -
Boucher S., Carneiro M.,
Vieillard J. (France, Portugal, Sweden) - The Alfort jumper rabbit: review
of the scientific works conducted from 1935 to 2019. Communication O-04 -
González-Redondo P.,
Finzi A. (Spain; Italyi) - Efficiency of the rabbit underground cell keeping
system in maintaining good thermal regime under cold weather conditions. Communication
Lukefahr S.D., Oseni S.O.
(USA, Nigeria) - Vertical rabbit farming integrative systems for cities: models
and opportunities - A bibliographic review. Proceedings 12th World Rabbit
Congress - November 3-5 2021 - Nantes, France, Communication O-06 - VIDEO
Oseni S.O., Lukefahr S.D.
(Nigeria, USA) - Rabbit data for development (RD4D): concept, processes, outcomes.
Communication O-07 - VIDEO
O.J., Odeyinka S.M., Oyebanji . B.O. (Nigeria) - The haematological
and biochemical parameters of rabbits fed with Moringa oleifera Lam.
based diets. Communication O-08
Quagliariello G., Lafalla
L. (Argentina) - Importance of the contribution of rabbit meat in the diet
of families in vulnerable conditions, in departments of northeastern Mendoza,
Argentina. Communication O-09.
Sánchez J.P.,
Perucho O., Pascual M., Rafel O., Piles M. (Spain) - Electronic feeder to
record individual feed intake on rabbits raised in collective cages. Communication
O-11 - VIDEO
Sangare S., Kimse M.,
Bléyéré M.N., Yapi J. (Côte d'Ivoire) - Typology
of rabbit farmers in the district of Abidjan and the regions of South Comoé
and Mé. Communication O-12 - VIDEO
Szendrö K., Szabó-Szentgróti
E., Szigeti O. (Hungary) - Consumers' motivation for (not) choosing rabbit
meat - A global view -. Proceedings 12th World Rabbit Congress - November
3-5 2021 - Nantes, France, Communication O-13 - VIDEO
L., Cavadini P., Lavazza A., 2021. Viral haemorrhagic disease: RHDV
type 2, ten years later (invited paper). Proceedings 12th World Rabbit Congress
- November 3-5 2021 - Nantes, France, Communication P-00.- VIDEO
H.T., Arts B. (The Netherlands) - Lawsonia bacteria, an unknown
pathogen, newly discovered in rabbit farms. Communication P-02 - VIDEO
Arts H.T., Arts
B., Rommers J. (The Netherlands) - Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus type
2 (RHDV2) in the Netherlands and Germany: clinical and epidemiological findings.
Communication P-03. - VIDEO
Atkinson A.,
Espinosa-Ayala E., Hernández P.A., Le Roux J.F., Mendoza G.D., Pulido-Huertas
S., Velázquez-Cruz A.L., Prigent A.Y., Colin M. (France, Mexico) -
Effect of a polyherbal mixture of Saccharum officinarum and of Acacia
concinna on the oocystal excretion, zootechnical performance and meat
quality of growing rabbits. Communication P-04 . - VIDEO
Baratelli M.,
Molist-Badiola J., Puigredon-Fontanet A., Pascual M., Boix O., Mora-Igual
F.X., Woodward M., Lavazza A., Capucci L. (Spain, Italy) - Characterization
of the maternal derived antibody immunity against RHDV-2 after administration
in breeding does of an inactivated vaccine . Communication P-05.
Belloumi D.,
Argente M.J., García M.L., Blasco A., Santacreu M.A. (Spain) - Study
of biomarkers of disease sensitivity in a robust and a standard maternal line.
Communication P-07.
Ben Chehida F.,
Ben Salem A., Daboussi I., Sghaier S., Kalthoum S., Attia-El Hili H. (Tunisia)
- Characterization of rabbit farms in Tunisia and retrospective epidemiological
studies on RHDV-2. Communication P-08. - VIDEO
Bokreta S., Khaldoun
H., Makhlouf C., Daoudi-Zerrouki N. (Algeria) - The possible alleviating effect
of Thymus vulgaris essential oil against VOLIAM TARGO® induced cardiotoxicity
in rabbits of a local population (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Communication P-09
Cavadini P.,
Campisi G., Vismara A., Lavazza A., Capucci L. (Italy) - Study of genetic
evolution of RHDV2 in Italy from 2011 to 2019. Communication P-11 - VIDEO
Circella E., Camarda
A., Schiavone A., Romito D., Schiavitto M., Casalino G., Belloli C. (Italy)
- Minimal inhibitory and mutant prevention concentrations of enrofloxacin
for Pasteurella multocida from rabbits affected by pasteurellosis.
Communication P-13 . - VIDEO
Cornaggia M.,
Palazzolo L., Di Castri A., Vascellari M., Tonon E., Viel L., Bano L. (Italy)
- Histological and immunohistochemical features of dysautonomia in commercial
rabbits affected by intestinal disorders. Communication P-14
Dakouri S.A.,
Kimsé M., Koné M.W., Touré A., Komoin O.C. (Côte
d'Ivoire) - Seasonal evolution of coccidial infection in domestic rabbits
in Abidjan district, Côte d'Ivoire. Communication P-15 -
Dakouri S.A.,
Kimsé M., Koné M.W., Komoin O.C., Touré Alassane (Côte
d'Ivoire) - Effects of Ficus exasperata, Azadirachta indica
and Mangifera indica leaves on oocystal coccidia excretion and on rabbit
growth. Communication P-16 - VIDEO
Dakouri S.A.,
Kimsé M., Koné M.W., Touré Alassane, Yapi Y.M., Komoin
O.C. (Côte d'Ivoire) - Rabbits gastro-intestinal and external parasites
in Ivorian improved system. Communication P-17.
Di Castri A.,
Cornaggia M., Palazzolo L., Rizzardi A., Bottin S., Viel L., Foiani G., Vascellari
M., Bano L. (Italy) - Occurrence of tympanic bullae empyema in commercial
rabbits. Communication P-18 - VIDEO
Garreau H., Lantier
F., Bed'hom B., Guitton E., Helies V., Helloin E., Herbert C., Maupin M.,
Robert R., Gunia M. (France) - Pasteurella multocida experimental infection
3): Relationship between resistance to diseases and production traits in rabbits
raised in commercial farms. Communication P-19 - VIDEO
Common prensetation of communications P-19 and P-21
Guichard P.,
Bordas A., Moreac T., Chevance A., Blot J., Travel A., Hemonic A., Le Normand
B., Liber M., Leorat J., Verdon J., Hurtaud-Pessel D., Orand J.P., Amar H.,
Maris P., Baduel L., Mompelat S. (France) - Impact of disinfectant water treatment
for pigs, poultry and rabbits on the stability of antibiotics. Communication
P-20 - VIDEO
Gunia M., Lantier
F., Bed'hom B., Guitton E., Helies V., Helloin E., Herbert C., Maupin M.,
Riou M., Robert R., Garreau H. (France) - Pasteurella multocida experimental
infection 1): Resistance and haematological response. Communication P-21-
Video : see communication P-19 Garreau et al
Hu Bo, Fan Zhiyu,
Wei Houjun, Chen Mengmeng, Qiu Rulong, Song Yanhua, Zhu Weifeng, Xu Weizhong,
Xue Jiabin, Wang Fang (China) - Emergence of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus
RHDV-2 in China. Communication P-22 - VIDEO
Huneau-Salaün A.,
Guillou-Cloarec C., Thomas R., Le Maître E., Lopez S., Nouvel L., Le
Gall-Reculé G., Le Bouquin S. (France) - Evaluation of cleaning and
disinfection procedures in rabbit farms affected by rabbit haemorrhagic disease,
in France . Communication P-23.
H., Goby J.P., Le Stum J., Hoste H., Cabaret J., Gidenne T. (France)
- Organic rabbit farming: should we be afraid of gastro-intestinal parasites
? Communication P-24. - VIDEO
Liu Y., Wei Q.,
Xiao C.W., Ji Q.A., Huang Y.E., Bao G L. (China) - Immune efficacy of inactivated
Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine in rabbits. Communication P-25.
Makhlouf C.,
Khaldoun Oularbi H., Zerrout N.H., Bokreta S., Oularbi Y. , Tlili T., Aroun
R., Daoudi-Zerrouki N. (Algeria) - Beneficial effects of ascorbic acid against
nephrotoxicity induced by Ivermectin repeated highdose therapy in rabbits
(Oryctolagus cuniculus).Communication P-26.
Montbrau C.,
Gascon S., Ruiz M.C. (Spain) - Efficacy of Eravac® against a heterologous
challenge with a virulent RHDV-2 strain in the presence and/or absence of
maternal derived antibodies. Communication P-27.- VIDEO
Moreno-Grúa E.,
Pérez-Fuentes S., Muñoz-Silvestre A., Viana D., Selva L., Pascual
J.J. , Arnau-Bonachera A., Corpa J.M. (Spain) - Effect of selection for growth
rate on macroscopic lesions after intradermal skin infections with Staphylococcus
aureus. Communication P-28 - VIDEO
Patinha S., Pinheiro
V., Soares A.S., Dias S., Fraga M.F., Matos M., Venâncio C.A., Coelho
A.C. (Portugal) - Occurrence of dermatophytes in captive wild rabbits without
clinical signs.Communication P-29.
Pellicciotti S.,
Accurso D., Lavazza A., Mula P., Bravaccini P., Dorigo F. (Italy) - Evaluation
of the persistence of antibiotics residues in drinking water distribution
system after static and dynamic washing. Communication P-30.
Rosell J.M.,
de la Fuente L.F., Badiola J.I., Fernández de Luco D., Casal J. (Spain)
- Rhinitis in does: prevalence and seasonal effect. Communication P-32 - VIDEO
A. , Woodward M., Navas E., Boix O., Valls L. (Spain) - Effect of
vaccination on protection against RHDV-2 and viral load. Communication P-34.
Vastel P., Rebours
G., Le Normand B., Chatellier S., Capucci L. (France) - Concentration of antibodies
and immunoglobulins in does and their offspring vaccinated against RHDV-2.
Communication P-36.- VIDEO
Vereecken M.,
Willems J., de Vries S., De Gussem K. (Belgium, The Netherlands) - Field study
on the control of coccidiosis in rabbits housed in park systems. Communication
P-37 - VIDEO
Wei Qiang, Xiao
Chen-Wen, Huang Ye-e, Li Ke, Ji Quan-An, Liu Yan, Bao Guo-Lian (China) - Establishment
of infection model of pathogenic Escherichia coli in rabbits by oral
administration. Communication P-38.
Wei Qiang, Qian
Wei, Xiao Chenwen, Liu Yan, Ji Quan'an, Huang Ye'e, Li Ke, Bao Guolian (China)
- Establishment of pathogenesis model of Bordetella bronchiseptica
in rabbits. Proceedings 12th World Rabbit Congress - November 3-5 2021 - Nantes,
France, Communication P-39.
Wolacewicz M.,
Hrynkiewicz R., Niedzwiedzka-Rystwej P. (Poland) - Preliminary studies on
defensins expression in liver of rabbits experimentally infected with Lagovirus
europeus GI.1 and GI.1A. Communication P-40
Leroy F., Petracci M. (Belgium, Italy) - Rabbit meat: a valuable source of nutrition or too-cute-to-eat ? (invited paper). Communication Q-00 - VIDEO
M., Silva S., Garcia-Santos S., Guedes C.M., Ferreira L.M., Dominguez,
R. , Trindade H., Lorenzo J.M., Pinheiro V. (Portugal) - Effect of total replacement
of soybean meal by lupine seeds (L. albus and L. luteus) on carcass characteristics
and meat fatty acids composition of growing rabbits. Communication Q-04 -
Bouzaida M.D.E,
Resconi V.C., Romero J.V., Gimeno D., Olleta J.L., Miranda-de la Lama G.C.,
Asenjo B., María G.A. (Spain) - Can the inclusion of pomegranate pomace
in rabbits diets improve the fatty acid profile of their meat ? Communication
Colin M., Lebas
F., Delarue J., Caillaud L., Van Lissum M., Prigent A.Y. (France) - Meat from
rabbits fed vegetable DHA can be an important part of a DHA-oriented human
diet. Communication Q-08 - VIDEO common
presentation for communications Q-08 & Q-14, performed by M. Colin
Cullere M., Szendrö
Zs., Kasza R., Gerencsér, Zs., Dalle Zotte A. (Italy, Hungary) - Impact
of heat stress on the meat quality of rabbits divergently selected for total
body fat content. Communication Q-09 - VIDEO
Dalle Zotte A.,
Szendrö Zs., Kasza R., Matics Zs., Cullere M. (Italy, Hungary) - Rabbit
divergent selection for total body fat content : effect on proximate composition
and fatty acid profile of meat. Communication Q-10 - VIDEO
María G.A.,
Resconi V., Bouzaida M., Fernández-Bautista M., Olleta J.L., Asenjo
B., Vieira Romero J., Miranda-de la Lama G. (Spain) - Use of non-medicated
feed with the addition of pomegranate by-products in commercial rabbit fattening.
Communication Q-11.
Laghouaouta H., Zubiri-Gaitán
A., Sosa-Madrid B.S., Blasco A., Hernández P. (Spain) - Changes in
fatty acid composition due to selection for intramuscular fat. Communication
Q-13 - VIDEO
Lebas F., Colin
M., Delarue J., Caillaud I., Van Lissum M., Prigent A.Y. (France) - Rabbit
is particularly interesting to deposit DHA in its meat, without effects on
meat's organoleptic quality - A review. Communication Q-14.
Luis-Chincoya H.,
Herrera-Haro J.G., Pró-Martínez A., Santacruz-Varela A., Jerez-Salas
M.P. (Mexico) - The effect of dietary supplementation zinc source and level
on growing performance, mineral deposition and meat quality.Communication
Q-15 - VIDEO
Mancini S., Mattioli
S., Dal Bosco A., Paci G. (Italy) - Effects of garlic powder and salt as ingredients
in rabbit meat burgers. Communication Q-16 - VIDEO
Matics Zs., Szendrö
Zs., Dalle Zotte A., Cullere M., Radnai I., Kasza R., Gerencsér Zs.
(Hungary, Italy) - Production performance and carcass traits of three rabbit
breeds reared at different temperatures. Communication Q-17 -
Ribeiro J., Andrade
E., Monteiro D., Pinheiro V. (Portugal) - Effect of a feed restriction and
gender on the performance and characteristics of the rabbit carcass in the
fattening period. Communication Q-18.
Soglia F., Baldi
G., Petracci M. (Italy) - Relationship between protein and lipid oxidation
in rabbit hind leg meat. Communication Q-19 - VIDEO
S., Maranesi M., Castellini C., Dal Bosco A., Arias-Alvarez M., Lorenzo
P.L., Rebollar P.G., Garcia-Garcia R.M. (Italy, Spain) - Physiology and modulation
factors of ovulation in rabbit reproduction management (invited paper). Communication
R-00 - VIDEO
Anoh K. U.
(Nigeria) - The influence of organic and synthetic antioxidant on the reproductive
performance of heat stressed rabbit under tropical condition of Nigeria. Communication
R-02 - VIDEO
Cherfaoui-Yami D., Berchiche
M., Lebas F. (Algeria, France) - Influence of male on reproductive performance
of Algerian local population rabbit. France, Communication R-07 -
Eiben Cs., Sándor
M., Sándor F., Mohaupt M., Kustos K. (Hungary) - Effect of short fast-refeeding
and light program on rabbit doe reproduction. Communication R-08 - VIDEO
García M.L., Peiró
R., Agea I., Argente M.J. (Spain) - Study of body condition, energy mobilization
and leptin profile in reproductive females. Communication R-09 - VIDEO
Gerencsér Zs., Kasza
R., Radnai I., Matics Zs., Dalle Zotte A., Cullere M., Szendrö Zs. (Hungary,
Italy) - Effect of drinking water cooling on the reproductive performance
of rabbit does housed under high ambient temperature. Communication R-10.
Guillevic M., Minetto A.,
Prigent A. Y. Colin M. (France) - Effects of the increase of the feed alpha-linolenic
acid level on the performances of reproduction of the rabbit does. Communication
R-11 - VIDEO
Khaldoun Oularbi H.. Makhlouf
C., Bokreta S., Settar A., Tarzali D., Zitouni G., Hamadou D., Kais S., Daoudi-Zerrouki
N. (Algeria) - Ampligo® insecticide induces injuries on the testes of
rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus : alleviating effects of vitamins C and E (ascorbate/alpha-tocopherol).
Communication R-13 - VIDEO
Machado L.C., Faria C.G.S.,
Zeferino C.P., Castilha L.D., Silveira J.M.M., Silva V.G.P., Pereira D.L.
(Brazil) -Productive, reproductive, behavioral and sanitary aspects of rabbit
does from different genotypes. Communication R-14.
Nabi I., Fatmi S., Iguer-Ouada
M. (Algeria) - Interests to supplement tris-base extender with cholesterol
/ alpha-tocopherol preloaded in cyclodextrins and vitamin C to chill rabbit
semen at 4°C. Communication R-15.
Rouillon C., Camugli S.,
Carion O., Echegaray A., Delhomme G., Schmitt E. (France, Spain) - Development
of a new antibiotic composition for a rabbit semen dilution medium (Galap®).
Communication R-16 - VIDEO
Savietto D., Debrusse A.M.,
Bonnemère J.M., Labatut D., Aymard P., Combes S., Fortun-Lamothe L.,
Gunia M. (France) - . Reproductive performance of a maternal rabbit cross
: Fauve-de-Bourgogne × INRA-1777. Communication R-18.
Vasallo G.E., Sarduy L..,
Herrera M. (Cuba) - Effect of reproductive condition and season on productive
performance of female rabbits. Communication R-19.
Villamayor P.R., Gullón
J., Vilá M., Yáñez U., Aramburu O., Sánchez M.,
Sánchez Quinteiro P., Martínez P., Quintela L. (Spain) - Preliminary
report of potential biostimulation methods based on chemical communication
in rabbit doe reproduction. Communication R-20 - VIDEO
Fupeng, Wu Yingjie, Qin Yinghe (China) - Cryopreservation of rabbit
sperm using dimethyl sulfoxide in combination with trehalose and hyaluronic
acid. Communication R-21
accepted by the scientific committee BUT not presented during
the Congress
Acosta Y. La O Michel A.L., Valdivé Navarro M., Jay Herrera
O., Betancourt Santos N.N. , Villalón Moracen Y., Frómeta Tonzón
D. (Cuba) Nutritive contribution of growing rabbits caecotrophy, supplied
with degrassed coconut flour. Communication BP-01.
Ding H.S.,
Cheng G.L., Leng J.J., Yang Y.X., Zhao X.W., Wang X.F., Qi Y.X., Huang D.W.
, Zhao H.L. (China) Analysis of histological and micro-rna profiles changes
in rabbit skin development. Communicaion BP-10.
Inácio D.F.S.,
Ferreira W.M., Ferreira F.N.A, Mota K.C.N., Costa Junior M., Silva Neta C.S.,
Rocha, L.F., Ferreira, M.A. (Brazil) Gas production and in vitro digestibility
of different levels of inclusion of beet pulp in diets of growing rabbits.
Communication BP-13
Inácio D.F.S.,
Ferreira W.M., Ferreira F.N.A., Mota K.C.N., Costa Junior M., Silva Neta C.S.,
Rocha, L.F., Ferreira, M.A. (Brazil) Volatile fatty acids production of growing
rabbits feed with different levels of beet pulp. Communication BP-14
Iwuji T.C.,
Ukanwa A.E., Obikaonu H.O. (Nigeria) Blood characteristics of adult rabbit
bucks fed Dialium guineense leaf meal. Communication BP-15.
Minuti A.,
Uboldi O., Gallo A., Lopreiato V., Bruschi S., Piccioli-Cappelli F., Ferrari
A. , Lovotti G., Gachiuta O., Trevisi E. (Italy) Effect of litter size on
plasma amino acids in prepartum rabbit does. Communication BP-21.
Mutwedu V.B.,
Nyongesa A.W., Oduma J.A., Kitaa J.M., Mbaria J.M., (Nigeria) Effect of different
ranges of temperature exposition on oxidative stress and biochemical parameters
in nulliparous rabbit doe. Communication BP-24.
Popoola M.A.,
Oseni S.O., Ajayi B.A. (Nigeria) Evaluation of thermoregulatory mechanisms
for heat tolerance of heterogeneous rabbit population raised in Nigeria. Communication
C., Wang P., Yang W., Liu Q., Li F. (China) Effect of Deoxynivalenol
on the expression and distribution of ERK and JNK in liver and kidney of weaned
rabbits by immunohistochemistry method. Communication BP-33.
V., Nagy I. (Hungary) Inbreeding aspects in rabbit breeding. Communication
Bovo S.,
Schiavo G., Utzeri V.J., Ribani A., Schiavitto M., Negrini R., Fontanesi L.
(Italy) Population genomic analyses of several commercial and fancy rabbit
breeds. Communication BG-03.
Kasza R.,
Matics Zs., Gerencsér Zs., Szendrö Zs., Nagy I., Csóka
Á. Donkó T. (Hungary) Connection between the computed tomography
(CT) estimated total body fat content of rabbits at 10 weeks of age and before
the first insemination. Communication BG-12.
Khalil M.H.,
Iraqi M.M., Zaghloul A.R., EL Nagar A.G., Ramadan Sh.I. (Egypt) Molecular
associations of GH gene genotypes with semen traits in rabbits. Communication
Meléndez Torrès
C. (Venezuela). Analysis of production parameters for selection of
breeding rabbits. Communication BG-16.
All accepted communications were présented by their authors
S.A., Mouhous A., Djellal F., Dorbane Z., Hammouche A., Tabti L. ,
Guermah H. (Algeria) Factors influencing rabbit meat consumption among students
in Tizi-Ouzou University, Algeria. Communication F-07.
Mouhous A.,
Guermah H., Djellal F., Kadi S.A. (Algeria) Sustainability and profitability
of commercial rabbitries in Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria. Communication F-09.
Ogah D.M.,
Gambo D. (Nigeria) Performance characteristics and trait preference among
smallholder rabbit farmers around Jos, Nigeria. Communication F-11.
Orheruata A.M.,
Aduba P., Afam N., Bello-Onaghise G., Nwosu I.C. (Nigeria) Performance of
New Zealand rabbits raised in steel and wooden hutches in the humid tropic
of southern Nigeria. Communication F-12
Basyony M.M. (Egypt) Response to by-pass soybean meal in growing rabbit diet.
Communication N-01
Adetola O.O.,
Odetola O.O., Saka A.A., Adetayo, T.O., Jinad, M.O. (Nigeria) Effect of feeding
varying levels of wild sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) leaf-blood
meal mixture on nutrient digestibility and growth response of weaner rabbits.
Communication N-02.
Ayandiran S.K,
Odeyinka S.M., Odedire J.A. , Adedokun M.A., Adekunle I., Makinde S., Ayantoro
I.T., Fakunle E.A., Akinloye A.O. (Nigeria) Performance and digestion of weaner
rabbits fed sorghum brewers dried grain (SBDG) as replacement for maize. Communication
Dorbane Z.,
Kadi SA., Boudouma D., Bannelier C., Berchiche M., Gidenne T. (Algeria, France).
Nutritive value of holm oak (Quercus ilex) acorn for growing rabbits
Communication N-11.
Li Fan, Li
Fuchang (China) Effect of dietary copper supplementation on growth performance
and antioxidant activity in Rex rabbits. Communication N-25.
Martins C.F.,
Bandarrinha J., Alves S.P., Ribeiro D.M., Bessa R J.B., Freire J.P.B., Falcão
e Cunha L. (Portugal) Effect of dietary incorporation of microalga (Nannochloropsis
oceanica) on growth, nutrient digestibility and meat quality in
growing rabbits. Communication F-28
Ojebiyi O.O.,
Ajala A.A., Amisu R.O., Bakare A.M., Festus G.N. (Nigeria) Replacement of
dietary grain by biscuit dough meal on performance and carcass traits of growing
rabbits. Communication N-32
Saidj D.,
Ainbaziz H., Dahmani Y., Iles I., Kadi S.A., Hornick J.L., Moula N. (Algeria,
Belgium) Effect of dietary protein level on milk production of Algerian local
rabbit does. Communication N-38.
Younan G.E.,
Morsy W.A., Mohamed Manal S., El-Gabry Hoda E. (Egypt) Effect of dietary supplementation
of olive leaf and/or guava leaf extracts on growth performance and some blood
parameters of growing rabbits. Communication N-44
OPEN Session
A.A., Udoh J.E (Nigeria) Morphometric traits in American standard
Chinchilla rabbits. Communication O-01
Rotimi E.A. (Nigeria)
Evaluation of body weight and morphometric traits of New Zealand rabbits breed
raised under semi-arid condition in Nigeria. Communication O-10.
Youssef Y.M.K.,
Emam A.M., Abou Khadiga G. (Egypt) Rabbit breeding situation in Egypt- a case
study. Communication O-14.
Samah E.A., Tahoon, A.Y. (Egypt) Development and production of a novel
bivalent inactivated rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) vaccine. Communication
L.G., Martínez-Castañeda J.S., Reynoso-Utrera E., Jiménez-
Ramos A., López Aguado-Almazán G., Trejo-Huitrón G.,
Rodríguez-Villavicencio V., Aguilar-Gutiérrez M. (Mexico) Molecular
identification of pathogens in the enteric syndrome in rabbits from Mexico.
Communication P-06.
Brunetta R.,
Mazzolini E., Bacchin C., Bosco N., Bravo A., Ferro T., Guolo A., Rizzardi
A., Agnoletti F., (Italy) Reducing antimicrobial consumption in rabbit farming
is feasable: the state of play in Italy. Communication P-10.
Chen Meng-meng
, Fan Zhi-yu, Qiu Ru-long, Hu Bo, Wei Hou-jun, Song Yan-hua, Zhu Wei-feng,
Xue Jia-bin,Wang Fang (China) Clinical diagnosis of rabbit oral squamous cell
carcinoma. Communication P-12.
Georgieva T.M.,
Penchev I., Petrov V., Marutsova V. (Bulgaria) Effect of the Staphylococcus
aureus infection on the calcium, phosphorus and iron level in rabbits.
Communication P-35.
S., Moreno-Grua E. Viana D., Corpa J.M. , Selva L. (Spain) Genetic
analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated
from rabbits. Preliminary results. Communication P-31.
V., Bautista L. (Mexico) Isolation of Fusobacterium necrophorum
and Pasteurella multocida in rabbits from México. Communication
A.M., Basyony M.M., Hassan A.A. (Egypt) Response to dietary supplementation
with turmeric (Curcuma longa) powder on growth performance and meat
quality of rabbits. Communication Q-02.
Ajayi B., Osunkeye
O., Daramola G., Owofadeju, O. (Nigeria) Nutritional composition and mineral
profile of fresh meat from heterogeneous rabbit population raised under small-holder
units in southwestern Nigeria. Communication Q-03.
Basyony M.M.,
Abdel-Khalek A.M., Hassan A.A. (Egypt) Response to dietary supplementation
with Artemisia annua powder on growth performance and meat quality
of rabbits. Communicaion Q-05
Benabdelaziz T.,
Harouz-Cherifi Z., Kadi S.A. (Algeria) Adiposity assessment of rabbit carcasses
produced in the Algerian local conditions of production. Communication Q-01
Chodová D.,
Tumová E., Volek Z. (Czech Republic) The effect of beginning of feed
restriction on basic carcass characteristics and meat quality in broiler rabbits.
Communication Q-07.
Kouakou D.,
Angbo-Kouakou E., Ahongo D., Assidjo E. (Côte d'Ivoire, France) Rabbit
meat (Oryctolagus cuniculus L..) enriched in omega-3 by a diet containing
euphorbia (Euphorbia heterophylla L.). Communication Q-12.
Tumová, E.,
Chodová, D., Volek, Z., Ketta, M., Haek, K. (Czech Republic)
Carcass yield and meat quality of restricted and ad libitum fed slow-
and fast- growing rabbits. Communication Q-28.
B. H., Ola S.I. (Nigeria) Thermoregulatory and semen quality responses
of rabbit bucks to spice-supplemented diets under the tropical environment.
Communication R-01.
Bakeer R.M.,
Saleh Y.S., Gazia N. (Egypt) Focus on effect of pumpkin oil on endocrine and
antioxidant level in rabbit. Communication R-03.
Basyony M.M.,
Abdel-Khalek A.M. (Egypt) Vitex agnus-castus leaves extract
improves hormonal activities of doe-rabbits and offspring performance. Communication
Basyony Mohamed
M. (Egypt). Improving reproductive buck rabbits by administrating
citrus oil during summer condition. Communication R-05.
Basyony Mohamed
M. , Abdel-Khalek A.M. (Egypt) Inclusion milk thistle (Silybum
marianum) seed extract in does rabbits feed as antioxidants. Communication
Kasza R.,
Szendrö Zs., Donkó T., Nagy I., Gerencsér Zs., Radnai I.
, Dalle Zotte A., Cullere M., Matics Zs. (Hungary, Italy) Effects of different
environmental temperatures on the reproductive performance of rabbit does
divergently selected for total body fat content. Communication R12.
Saad M.F.,
Younan G.E., Abd El-Atty H.K., Zeidan E., Seleem T.S. (Egypt) Effect of caffeine
administration on milk yield of doe rabbits. Communication R-17.
used to introduce the 5 round tables
Round table 1 : The rabbit farming in the post-antibiotic era : a challenge that can be won? - VIDEO
Rossel J.M. Introduction to the round table 1. Situation in rabbit farms [ mainly in Spain ], 35 slides
Round table 2 : Rabbit housing - new farming systems with the regulations and social demand? - VIDEO
L. Organisation of the round table 2. Situation of the problem of
rabbit housing, 6 slides
L. Rabbit housing in France:
situation, methods, research, prospects, 16 slides
Van Damme
L. History and situation of rabbit housing in Belgium and the Netherlands,
12 slides
Round table 3 : Rabbits for wealth creation in the developing world. - VIDEO
Oseni S. Presentation and objectives of the round table 3 . Rabbit in developping countries, 8 slides
Round table 4 : Condemnation of rabbit carcasses: causes and opportunities for farm level measures to reduce them. VIDEO
De Greef K. introduction to the round table 4 : Slaughter condemnations, focus on abcesses of rabbits, 23 slides
Round table 5 : Coccidiosis management at farm level : in parallel to classical coccidiostats, which alternatives ? - VIDEO
Boucher S., Rosell J.M. Introduction of the round table 5 . Importance of the disease [ rabbit coccidiosis ] and possiblities of prevention / treatment, 36 slides