At the
beginning of the proceedings are presented the 7 general papers
presented during the opening session (N = 2) or as introduction
of the 4 round tables (N = 5)
- Opening presentations
pdf files with with copyable texts are available here thanks to
the unvaluable work of Pr Agustin Blasco and his team at the University
of Valencia (Spain): scan + OCR of all communications |
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full text of the communication
NB The printed version of the proceedings was published in 1992 as the last issue of the Journal of Applied Rabbit Research (volume 15 - same pagination)
Opening Session | |
Sandford J.J., 1992. Notes on the history of the Rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1-28 |
Lebas F., Colin M., 1992. World rabbit production and research. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 29-54. | |
Round Tables : Situation papers | |
Verga M., 1992. Some characteristics of rabbits behaviour and their relationship with husbandry systems. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 55-63.. | |
Ouhayoun J., Blasco A., 1992. Harmonization of criteria and terminology in rabbit meat research. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 64-71 | |
Fekete S., 1992. The rabbit body composition: Methods of measurement, significance of its nowledge and the obtained results - a critical review . Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 72-85 | |
Finzi A., 1992. Rabbit production in developing countries. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 86-94. | |
Facchin E., 1992. Artificial insemination in Rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 95-103 | |
Lukefahr S., 1992. Animal models for quantitative genetics : Analysis of rabbit breeding programms. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 104-130. | |
Afifi E.A., K.A., Yamani K.A., Marai I.F.M., El-Maghawry A.M., 1992. Environmental and genetic aspects of litter traits in New Zealand White and Californian rabbits under the Egyptian conditions. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 335-351. | |
Baselga M.,Gomez E., Cifre P. ,Camacho J., 1992. Genetic diversity of litter size traits between parities in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 198-205. | |
Bielanski P., Fijal J., Niedzwiadek S., 1992. The influence of the inbreeding level on the indices of reproduction and meat production utility in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 308-313. |
Blasco A., Santacreu M.A., Argente M.J., 1992. Genetic parameters of ovlation rate, embryo and fetal survival in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 247-254. |
Brun J.M., , Bolet G., Ouhayoun J., 1992. The effects of crossbreeding and selection on productive and reproductive traits in a triallel experiment between three strains of rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 181-189. | |
Brunner R.M., Knopp A., Rudolph W., 1992. Rabbit chromosome analysis by image processing. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 352-363. | |
Ferraz J.B.S., Johnson R.K., Van Vleck L.D.,1992. Estimation of genetic trends and genetic parameters for reproductive and growth trait$ of rabbits raised in subtropics with animal models. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 131-142. | |
Ferraz J.B.S., Johnson R.K., Van Vleck L.D.,1992. Use of animal models to estimate the effects of inbreeding on growth and carcass traits of rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 143-157. | |
Kustos K., Hullár I., 1992. Heritability of digestibility of feed dry matter and crude protein and their relationship with various production traits in New Zealand White rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 255-258. | |
Lukefahr S.D., Roberts J.D., Atakora J.K.A., Hamilton H.B., 1992. Evaluation of Californian, Champagne d'Argent, New Zealand White and Palomino as potential sire breeds: II. Carcass yield and lean cutability Traits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 287-298. | |
Lukefahr S.D., Van Vleck L.D., Roberts J.D., 1992. Estimates of components of variance and covariance for carcass traits in rabbits using an animal model. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 259-273. | |
Luzi F., Crimella C., Amboini M., 1992. The productive efficiency of litters deriving from different genotypes. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 299-307. | |
Maertens L., 1992. Selection scheme, performance level and comparative test of two lines of meat rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 206-212. | |
Masoero G., Napolitano F., Bergoglio G., Riccioni L, Zoccarato I., 1992. Crossbreeding experiment of New Zealand White females with White Giant, pure and synthetic, and stabilized strains, in conventional or fasted preslaughter condition. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 166-173. |
Mong Q., 1992. Studies on the method of early selection and early mating in German angora rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 322-328. | |
Niedzwiadek S., Fijal J., Bielanski P., 1992. Progress in area of reproduction in a specialized line of rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 314-321 |
Pagano Toscano G., Lazzaroni C., Zoccarato I., Benatti G., 1992. Conservation and improvement of the Carmagnola Grey rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 240-246. | |
Panella F.,Battaglini M., Castellini C., Rosati A., Facchin E., 1992. Comparison between two genetic evaluation indexes in rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 190-197. | |
Ramon J., Utrillas M., Rafel O., Perucho O., 1992. Demographic analysis of a synthetic population , selected for the global objective of litter weight at 60 days old through overlapping generations. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 224-239. | |
Rastogi R.K., Heyer E., 1992. Effect of inbreeding on rabbit performance in Trinidad. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 158-165. | |
Roberts J.D., Lukefahr S.D., 1992. Evaluation of Californian, Champagne d'Argent, New Zealand White and Palomino as potential sire breeds: l. Postweaning litter traits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 274-286. | |
Rudolph W., Seffner W., Knopp W., Bernhard W., 1992. Inherited skeletal deformity of the hind leg in Vienna Grey rabbits in conjunction with modified hair morphology (Angora). Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 363. | |
Szendró Zs., Mohamed M.M.A., Biró-Németh E., Radnai I., 1992. Heritability of teat number on rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 174-180. | |
Utrillas M.,, Rafel O.,, Perucho J.,, Ramon J., 1992. Phenotypic analysis of a synthetic population of rabbits, selected for the global objective of litter weight at 60 days old through overlapping generations. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 213-223. | |
Yang Z., 1992. Improved breed Saibei rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 329-334. | |
McNitt J.I., 1992. Endocrinological approch od commercial rabbit production. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 364-397. | |
Argente M.J., Santacreu M.A., Blasco A., 1992. Uterine capacity in rabbits. first results. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 473-479. | |
Battaglini M., Castellini C., Lattaioli P., 1992. Variability of the main characteristics of rabbit semen. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 439-446. | |
Boiti C.,Chiericato G.M., Filotto U.,Canali C., 1992. Effects of high environmental temperature on plasma testosterone, cortisol, T3 and T4 levels in the growing rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 447-455. | |
Bourdillon A., Chmitelin F., Jarrin D., Parez V., Rouillère H., 1992. Effects of a PMSG treatment on breeding results of artificially inseminated rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 530-537. | |
Castellini C., Battaglini ., Lattaioli P., 1992. Effects of cryoprotectants and freezing on rabbit semen quality. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 431-438. | |
Colin M., 1992. Cycle synchronisation in rabbit production. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 398-406. | |
Crimella c., Luzi F., Grilli G., 1992. The reroductive efficiency of bucks in different genotypes. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 480-488.. | |
Fekete S., Huszenicza G., Szilágyi M., Albert M., Szilágyi A., 1992. Effect of long-term feeding of sublethal quantities of T-2 toxin upon the ovarian activity of the rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 583-593. | |
Finzi A., Morera P., Kuzminsky G., 1992. Effect of shearing on rabbit bucks performances in hot ambient conditions. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,489-494. | |
Grilli G., Orsenigo R., Brivio R., Invernizzi A., Luini M, Gallazzi D., 1992. Microbiological investigation on frozen rabbit semen. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, .511-519. | |
Gu Z., 1992. Study on parturition inducing techniques in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 575-582. |
Kasa I.W., Thwaites C.S., 1992. Semen quality in bucks exposed to 34°C for 8 hours on either 1 or 5 days. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,.560-568. | |
Mariana J.C., Dervin C. Hulot F., 1992. Influence of unilateral ovariectomy on the follicular growth of the rabbit ovary. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, .462-472. | |
Mercier P., Rideaud P., 1992. Bacteriological study of rabbit sperm and the effects of antibiotic supplements in the conservation medium. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 520-529 | |
Mézes M., Virág Gy., Bersényi A., 1992. The effect of different factors on glutathione peroxidase activity in the blood and seminal plasma of rabbit bucks. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,505-510. | |
Rafay J., 1992. Influence of photoperiodic intervals on biochemical and reproduction traits in broiler rabbits populations. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,495-498. | |
Rebollar P.G.,Ubilla, E., Rodríguez J.M., 1992. Influence of the parturition - insemination interval on the conception rate in rabbits artificially inseminated with fresh semen. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,407-411. | |
Rebollar P.G., Ubilla E., Rodríguez J.M., Illera J.C., Silván, G., 1992. Induction of luteolysis by administration of a synthetic prostaglandin analogue in pseudopregnant rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,456-461. | |
Szendrô Zs., 1992. Effect of litter size at mating on the reproductive performance of does. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,538-544. |
Szendrö Zs., Bíró-Németh E., Radnai I., 1992. Investigations on the results of artificial insemination. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992,545-552. | |
Szendrö Sz., Csapó J., Biró-Németh E., Csapó Zs., Radnai I., 1992. Relationships between the FSH level of young rabbits and the performance of does. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 422-430 | |
Theau~Clément M.,, A. Roustan A., 1992. A study on relationships between receptivity and lactation in the doe, and their influence on reproductive performances. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 412-421. | |
Uzcategui M.S., Johnston N.P., 1992. The effect of 10, 12, and 14 hour continuous and intermittent photoperiods on the reproductive performance of female rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 553-559. | |
Virág Gy., Mézes M., Bersényi A., 1992. Effect of independent factors on semen characteristics in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 499-504. | |
Xu L.1, Yang G., Chen Z., Huang S., Chen J,, Jin S.,,Ye Y., 1992. Studies on integrative measures for raising the reproductivity ability of the domestic rabbit during hot seasons. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 569-574.. | |
Schlolaut W., 1992. Management in rabbit production - a graduator for transfer of knowledge into production level. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 594-614. | |
Al-Bar A., 1992. Can rabbits solve the animal protein requirement of Yemen ?. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 669-672. | |
Armero Q., Blasco A., 1992. Economic weights for rabbit selection indices. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 637-342. | |
Aubret J.M., Duperray J., 1992. Effect of cage density on the performance and health of the growing rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 656-660. | |
Cecchini G., Colín M., Vacchelli M., 1992. Artificial insemination in rabbit : routine application to industrial breeders in Italy. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 633-636. | |
Contera, C., Planas, J., Llinas, J.M., Rosell, V., 1992. Inorganic nest bottoms in rabbit breeding units. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 666-668. | |
De Lazzer M.J., Finzi A., 1992. Technical and economical efficiency of an unconventional rabbit breeding. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 615-620. | |
Kamar, M.G., Yamani, K.A., 1992. Rabbit meat : situation in Egypt (1992). Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 673-677. | |
Koehl P.F., 1992. Presentation of a technico-economical management system trough telematic for rabbit units. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 643-649. | |
Kustos K., Csonka I., 1992. Survey on production results of small scale rabbit farms. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 650-655. | |
McNitt J.I., Moody Jr. G.L., 1992. A method for weaning rabbit kits at 14 days. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 661-665. | |
Patton N.M., Ayers A.C., 1992. The economics of rabbit rebreeding systems. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 621-632. | |
Chiericato G.M., Bailoni L., Rizzi C., 1992. The effect of environmental temperature on the performance of growing rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 723-731. | |
Drescher B., 1992. Housing of rabbits with respect to animal welfare. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 678-683 | |
Ferrante V., Verga M., Canali E., Mattiello S., 1992. Rabbits kept in cages and in floor pens: reactions in the open field-test. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 700-707 | |
Ferrante V., Verga M., Canali E., Mattiello S., Carenzi C., 1992. Hybrid and New Zealand white rabbits kept in floor pens: space distribution and aggregations. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 692-699. | |
Finzi A., Kuzminsky G., Morera P., 1992. Empiric systems to reduce heat stress in rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 751-757. | |
Finzi A., Nyvold S., El Agroudi M., 1992. Evaluation of heat stress in rabbits under field conditions. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 739-744. | |
Finzi A., Nyvold S., El Agroudi M., 1992. Efficiency of three different housing systems in reducing heat stress in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 745-750. | |
Finzi A., Valentini A., Filippi Balestra G., 1992. Alimentary, excretory and motorial behaviour in rabbit at different ambient temperatures. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 732-738. | |
Gupta S.C., Riyazudin N.G., Gupta N., Singh G., 1992. 1992. Growth performance of meat rabbits in semi arid tropical conditions in India. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 766-774. | |
Jin L.M., E. Thomson E., Farrell D.J., 1992. Water balance of female New Zealand White does during pregnancy and lactation in China. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 717-722. | |
Löliger H.C., 1992. Consideration of animal protection and welfare in domestic rabbit housing and management . Necessity of worldwide harmonizing for animal welfare regulations in domestic rabbit housing and production. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 684-691. | |
Luzi F., Heinzl E., Crimella C., Verga M., 1992. Influence of transport on some production parameters in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 758-765. | |
Mohamed M.M.A., Szendrö Zs., 1992. Studies on nursing and milk production of does and milk intake and suckling behaviour of their kits. | |
Blasco A., Ouhayoun J., Masoero G. 1992. Study of rabbit meat and carcass. Criteria and terminology. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 775-786. | |
Espinoza-Velázquez J., Estrada-Rodriguez F., Fortino Ramos-Solares F., 1992. Gaining weight response to restricted feeding by two rabbit genetic groups.Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 864-871. | |
Fekete S., Brown D.L., 1992. Prediction of body composition in rabbits by deuterium oxide dilution and total body electrical conductivity with validation by direct chemical analysis. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 787-798. | |
Gómez A., Blasco A., 1992. Growth curves of lines selected on growth rate or litter size. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 872-878. | |
Hulot F., Ouhayoun J., Dalle Zotte A., 1992. The effects of recombinant porcine somatotropin on rabbit growth, feed efficiency and body composition. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 832-840. | |
Masoero G., Bergoglio G., Riccioni L., Destefania G., Barge M.T., 1992. Near infrared spectroscopy applied to living rabbits to estimate body composition and carcass and meat traits : a calibration study. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 81-818. | |
Masoero G., Riccioni L., Bergoglio G., Napolitano F., 1992. Implications of fasting and of transportation for a high quality rabbit meat product. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 841-847 | |
Parigi-Bini R., Xiccato G., Cinetto M., Dalle Zotte A., 1992. Effect of slaughter age and weight on carcass and meat quality of the commercial rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 819-826. | |
Petersen J., Klausdeinkn F.-J., Gerken M., 1992. Influence of weaning age :·on development of live-weight and food consumption in young rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 856-863. | |
Ristic M., Zimmermann E., 1992. Slaughter value of young rabbits from fattening hybrides and pure breeding animals. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 827-831. | |
Szendrö Zs., Horn P., Kövér Gy., Berényi E., Radnai I., Bíró-Németh E., 1992. In vivo measurement of the carcass traits of meat type rabbits by X-ray computerised tomography. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 799-809. | |
Szendrö Zs., Kustos K.,, 1992. The effect of starvation on the carcass yield of New Zealand White rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 879-883. | |
Torres C., Baselga M., Gomez E., 1992. Effect of weight daily gain selection on gross feed efficiency in r0abbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 884-888. | |
Vicente J.S., Garcia-Ximénez F., 1992. Growth limitation of suckling rabbits, proposal of a method to evaluate the numerical performance of rabbit does until weaning. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 848-855. | |
Maertens L., 1992. Rabbit nutrition and feeding : A review of some recent developments. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 889-913. | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Cheeke P.R., 1992. In vitro rabbit cecal digestibility: effect of copper sulfate and donor age. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1235-1240. | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. In vitro rumen and rabbit cecum digestibilities : l. Effects of probiotics and incubation time. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 947-957.. | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. In vitro rumen and rabbit cecum digestibilities: ll. Effects of extended incubation time. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1241-1248 | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. In vitro rumen and rabbit cecum digestibilities: III. Selected feed ingredients. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1249-1254. | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. In vitro rumen and rabbit cecum digestibilities: IV. Selected rabbit diets. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1255-1262. | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. Effect of inoculating weanling rabbits with bovine rumen fluid on performance and diet digestibility. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1219-1224 | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Gad A., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. Effects of supplementing weanling rabbit diets with untreated and ammoniated annual ryegrass straw as fiber sources on performance and nutrient digestibility. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1189-1195. | |
Aderibigbe A.O., Tor-Agbidye Y., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. Interactions of fermentable carbohydrate and protein on nutrient domesticity, performance and enteritis in weanling rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1225-1234. |
Al-Bar A., Cheeke P.R., Nakaue H.S., 1992. Effect of yucca extract (Deodorase) on environmental ammonia levels and growth performance of rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1105-1112. | |
Alicata M.L., Bonanno A., Alabiso M., Portolano B., Stimolo M.C., 1992. Further trials on the use of chick-peas in growing rabbit feeding. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1105-1112. | |
Ayers A.C., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., , 1992. Evaluation of hybrid poplar leaves as a feedstuff for rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1033-1042 | |
Ayers A.C., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., , 1992. Effect on weanling rabbits of the addition of polyethylene glycol, phytase, methionine and choline chloride to diets containing black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) leaf meal. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1043-1052. |
Ayers A.C., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., , 1992. Effects on wealing rabbits of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) bark,oak sawdustn red alder (Alanus rubra) bark and red alder sawdust in the diet. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1166-1174. | |
Bellier R., Gidenne T., 1992. Caecal cannulation in five week old rabbit. an in-vivo study of the circadian variations of the fermentation pattern. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 922-930. | |
Borgida L.P , Duperray J., 1992. Summer complementary feeding of rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1063-1070. | |
Castelló J. A. Gurri A., 1992. Effects of the energy levels in the feed and the feeding program on performances of growing rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 958-964. | |
Chmitelin F., 1992. Effect of protein level and De-Odorase on performance and cecal fermentation of weanling rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1113-1120. |
de Blas C., 1992. The roles of fiber in rabbit nutrition. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1329-1343. | |
Deeb B. J.; DiGiacomo R. F., Anderson R. J., 1992. Reproductive abnormalities in rabbits due to vitamin A toxicity. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 973-984. | |
Deshmukh S. V., Pathak N.N.. 1992. Effects of age and dietary protein and energy levels on dry matter intake, digestibility and nutritive value of feeds in New Zealand White rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1263-1269. | |
Fernández C., Fraga M.J., 1992. The effect of sources and inclusion level of fat on growth performance. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1071-1078. | |
Filippi Balestra G.., Amici A., Machin D., 1992. Initial studies on the production and use of molasses blocks in the feeding of forage fed rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1053-1057. | |
Garcia G., Galvez J. F., de Blas J.C., 1992. Substitution of barley grain by sugar-beet pulp in diets for finishing rabbits 1. effect on energy and nitrogen balance. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1008-1016. | |
Garcia G., Gálvez J. F., de Blas J. C., 1992. Substitution of barley grain by sugar-beet pulp in diets for finishing rabbits. 2. effect on growth performance. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1017-1024. | |
Gidenne T., 1992. Rate of passage of fibre particles of different size in rabbit : effect of the dietary lignin level. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1175-1182. | |
Gippert T., Virag Gy., Nagy I.·1992. Lacto-Sacc in rabbit nutrition. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1101-1104. | |
Gralak M., Castro A., T.,. El Adawy M.M.I, Sanz-Arias R., Brandau D., 1992. The influence of cecotomy on growth and digestibility in weaned rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1183-1188. | |
Hullár I., Fekete S., Gippert T., 1992. Comparison of the rabbit and coypu digestion on the base of digestibility trials. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 995-1007. | |
Ismail A.M., Shalash S.M., Kotby E.A., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. Hypervitaminosis A in rabbits I : Dose response. 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 985-994. | |
lsmail A.M., Shalash S.M., Kotby E.A., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. Hypervitaminosis A in rabbits II. Interactions with vitamins E and C and ethoxyquin. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1196-1205. | |
Ismail A.M., Shalash S.M., Kotby E.A., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1992. Hypervitaminosis a in rabbits. III. Reproducitve effects and interactions with vitamins E and C and ethoxyquin. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 12061218 | |
Ismail A.M., Shalash S.M., Kotby E.A., Cheeke P.R., 1992. Effects of vitamins A, C and E on the reproductive performance of heat-stressed female rabbits in Egypt. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1291-1300. | |
Luick B. R., Ayers A., Cheeke P.R., 1992. Rate of passage of black locust leaf and alfalfa meal in the rabbit gut. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1291-1300. | |
Luick B. R., El-Sayaad G. A. E., Cheeke P.R., 1992. Effect of fructooligosaccharides and yeast culture on growth performance of rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1121-1128. | |
Maertens L., De Groote G., 1992. Effect of a dietary supplementation of live yeast on the zootechnical performances of does and weanling rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1079-1086. | |
Maertens L., , Moermans R., De Groote G., 1992. Flavomycin for early weaned rabbits : response of dose on zootechnical performances - effect on nutrient digestibility. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1079-1086. | |
Merino J. M., Carabafio R., 1992. Effect of type of fibre on ileal and faecal digestibilities. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 931-937. | |
Morisse J.P., Maurice R, Boilletot E., Cotte P., 1992. Effect of a fructo-oligo-saccharides compound in rabbits experimentally infected with E. coli O.103. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1137-1143. | |
Muir J.P., Massaete E., 1992. Response of growing rabbits to various levels of Leucaena leucocephala in a wheat bran based diet. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1321-1328. | |
Nieves-Delgado D., Pro-Martinez A., Herrera-Haro J., Espinoza-Velázquez J., 1992. Effect of probiotics on the use of mash diets with high and low alfalfa meal content in rabbits . Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1160-1165. | |
Ortiz, M., Bressani R, Matute, J., Peña, X., 1992. Foods which increase lactation. Effect of alhucema (Achillea millefolum) on milk production using a rabbit model. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1283-1290. | |
Peeters J. E. , Maertens L., Geeroms R., 1992. Influence of galacto-oligosaccharides on zootechnical performance, cecal biochemistry and experimental colibacillosis O103/8+ in weanling rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1129-1136. | |
Ramos M.A., Carabaño R., Boisen S., 1992. An in vitro method for estimating digestibility in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 938-946. |
Tor-Agbidye Y., Cheeke P.R., Nakaue H. S., Froseth J.A., Pattton N.M., 1992. Effects of beta-glucanase (Allzyme BG) on comparative performance of growing rabbits and broiler chicks fed rye, triticale and high- and low-glucan barley. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1144-1152. | |
Tor-Agbidye Y., Cheeke P. R., Patton N. M., 1992. Reproductive and growth performance of New Zealand White rabbits fed diets containing cottonseed meal. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1301-1313. | |
Tor-Agbidye Y., Luick B., Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., Craig A.M., 1992. Performance of weanling rabbits fed endophyte-infected tall fescue seed containing ergot alkaloids. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1301-1313. | |
Vörös G., Gaàl Cs. 1992. Effect of Bacillus C.I.P. 5832 and enrofloxacin on performance and aerob faecal flora of growling rabbits. devitation of in vitro situation from in vivo one. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1153-1159. | |
Wittouck P., Detimmerman F., Pétry M.,Van Hove C.., 1992. Azolla as a food for rabbits in Africa. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1058-1062. | |
Xiccato G., Parigi-Bini R., Cinetto M., Dalle-Zotte A., 1992. The influence of feeding and protein levels on energy and protein utilization by rabbit does. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 965-972. | |
Yamani K.A., Ibrahim H., Rashwan A.A., El-Gendy K.M., 1992. Effects of a pelleted diet supplemented with probiotic (Lacto-Sacc) and water supplemented with a combination of probiotic and acidifier (Acid-Pak 4-Way) on digestibility, growth, carcass and physiological aspects of weanling New Zealand White rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1087-1100. | |
Zhang Y., Hou M., Dou R., Wang C., Dai G., Ma G., Gao P., 1992. Effects of microbial feed additive on performance of meat rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1278-1282. | |
Coudert P., 1992. General pathology of the rabbit - A concept which must be reviewed every day. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1344-1347. | |
Albert M., Vetési F., Éliás B. 1992. Pathological studies on enzootic rhinitis of rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1532-1534. | |
Badiola-Sáiz J.I., Rosell J.M., Pujols J., Pérez de Rozas A., Rafel O., Ramon J., Segura L.I., Saco M.M., 1992. Biological features of Pasteurella multocida strains isolated from rabbits in the northeast area of Spain. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1366-1374. | |
Buratto L., Colín M., 1992.. Chlamidiosis in breeding rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1481-1486. | |
Buratto L., Colín M., 1992. Experimental field vaccination against rotavirus enteritis in growing rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1506-1514. | |
DiGiacomo R. F., 1992. Natural history of Pasteurella multocida infection in rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1515-1523. | |
Duperray J., Adelis R., 1992. Effect of pre-weaning handling on post-weaning mortality following digestive disorders in the rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1487-1494. | |
Gelmetti D., Colmegna S., Capucci L., Scicluna M.T., Guadagnini P.F., Galrazzi D., Mandelli G., 1992. Viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits (VHD): a pathogenetic study under experimental conditions. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1453-1471. | |
Glass L. S., Beasley J. N., 1992. Efficacy of vaccination of rabbits with live Pasteurella multocida, serotype 7,3,12, intranasally alone and when combined with intramuscular vaccination with a killed P. multocida homogenate.Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1524-1531. | |
Licois D., Coudert P., Drouet-Viard F., Boivin M., 1992. Eimeria media: selection and characterization of a precocious line. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1423-1432 | |
Licois D., Coudert P., Drouet-Viard F., Boivin M., 1992. Eimeria perforans and E. coecicola multiplication rate and effect of the acquired protection on the oocyst output. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1433-1439. | |
Mandelli G., Gelmetti D., Colmegna S., Capucci L., Lavazza A., Gallazzi D., 1992. An approach to viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD): pathogenesis by histopathological and immunohistochemical assay. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1535-1543. | |
Mercier P., 1992. Effects of Dimetridazole on young rabbits affected by an acute digestive disorder. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1495-1505., 1992 |
Mercier P. , Rideaud P., Coudert P., 1992. A study of the pathogenic influences of three strains of Pasteurella multocida on the rabbit - An experiment to control the effects by Spiramycin. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1401-1410. | |
Nauwynck H., Callebaut P., Peeters J.E., Ducatelle R., Uyttebroek E. 19952. Susceptibility of hares and rabbits to a Belgian isolate of European brown hare syndrome (EBHS) virus. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1348-1354. | |
Pages Manté A., Artigas, C., 1992. Advisable vaccinal programme against myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease viruses on wild rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1448-1452. | |
Pages Manté A., Artigas C. Costa, L., 1992. Experimental model to better know the sensibility to Staphylococcus aureus in different commercial rabbits breeds. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1440-1447. | |
Peeters J.E., Geeroms R., 1992. Efficacy of a rotation programme with the anticoccidials clopidol/methylbenzoquate and robenidine and evolution of coccidial infection in rabbits between 1982 and 1990. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1360-1365.. | |
Peeters J.E., Vandergheynst D., Geeroms R., 1992. Viral haemorragic disease (VHD) in rabbits : protection conferred by intradermal vaccination with Dercunical® in comparison with S.C. or I.M. vaccination with Arvilap®, Leporiphyl® and Hebovac-88-T®. | |
Peeters J. E., Wyffels R., Ducate1le R., Geeroms R., Vandergheynst D., 1992. Toxicity of the chicken anticoccidial Maduramicin in rabbits : clinical manifestations and pathological findings. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1415-1422. | |
Rideaud P., Coudert P. 1992. Pasteurella epidemiology : effect of the age of weaning rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1411-1414. | |
Rideaud P., Coudert P., Mercier P., Hervouet P., 1992. A comparative study of the virulence of Pasteurella multocida from rabbits (O. cuniculus). Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1389-1400. | |
Rosell J.M., Badiola J.I., De La Fuente L.F., Cármenes P., Badiola, J.J., 1992. Rhinitis of the domestic rabbit. An epidemiological survey during the period 1986-1991. I. Influence of the year, season and type of rabbitry. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1375-1381. | |
Rosell J.M., Badiola J.I., De La Fuente L.F., Cármenes P., Badiola, J.J., 1992. Rhinitis of the domestic rabbit. An epidemiological survey during the period 1986-1991. II. Influence of the sex, number of kindling and phase of lactation. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1382-1388. | |
Wang Y., Zhu G., Duan Y., Ji C., Yu Y., Qin A., Zhou Y., Sun H., Tian H., Xu Y., Wang B., Huo J., Li J., Gao J., Shao T., 1992. Development of a vaccine protective against viral hemorrhagic disease. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1355-1359. | |
Vrillon J.L., Thébault R.G., 1992. Proposition to classify Angora rabbit fleece. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1544-1549 | |
Allain D., Rochambeau H. de, Thébault R.G., Mollaret R., Vrillon J.L., 1992. Relationship between guard hair diameter and tautness in the Angora rabbit fleece. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1559-1567. | |
Cheng J.D., Huang D.P., 1992. A study on the texture of rabbit wool. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1629-1632. | |
Farrell D.J., Ogisi E.M. 1992. The influence of shearing on food intake and the digestibility of dietary components and the measurement of fibre production in Angora rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1550-1558. | |
Guan C.Q., 1992. The formulation of the coefficients of the wool yield for the Angora rabbit. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1661-1671. | |
Liu S.M., Zhang L., Chang C., Pen D.H., Xu Z, 1992. The evaluation of nutritive values of the feedstuffs and diets for Angora. rabbits 1. the determination of the contents of digestible energy and digested crude protein in feedstuffs. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1633-1639. | |
Liu S.M., Zhang L., Chang C., Pen D.H., Xu Z, 1992. The evaluation of nutritive values of the feedstuffs and diets for Angora. Rabbits 2. the prediction of the contents of digestible energy and digested crude protein in feedstuffs and diets. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1640-1645. | |
Liu S.M., Zhang, L. Chang C., Pen D.H., Xu z., Wang Y.Z., Chen Q., Cao W.J. Yuan D.Z., 1992. The requirements of digestible energy, crude protein and amino acids for Angora rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1615-1622. |
Niedzwiadek S., Bielanski P. , Piorkowska M., 1992. Genetic progress in the wool utility of L-1 and L-2 Angora rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1658-1668. | |
Petersen A., 1992. Effect of age on priming and fur quality of the rabbit Castor Rex. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1599-1605. | |
Raharjo Y.C., Sartika T., 1992. Effects of environmental temperatures and restricted feeding on the performance, carcass percentage and fur quality of the Rex rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1590-1598. | |
Rochambeau H. de, Thébault R.G.,, Poivey J.P., Vrillon J.L., 1992. Selection for total litter weight at weaning per doe and per year in two Rex rabbit strains (preliminary results). Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1606-1614. | |
Sartika T., Raharjo Y. C., 1992. Effects of various fiber levels on the performance, carcass percentage and skin quality of the Rex rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1583-1589. | |
Sheng Y.Z., 1992. Efficiency analysis of the coarse-wool -·hybrid rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1680-1688. | |
Schlolaut W., 1992. Evaluation of the quality of Angora rabbit wool. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1623-1628. | |
Szendrö Zs., Radnai I., Tóth-Zelei I., 1992. Effect of the genotype, sex and harvesting method on the wool production and wool quality of Angora rabbits. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1576-1582. | |
Tao Y.R., 1992. A survey of Rex breeding in China. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1651-1657. | |
Tao Y.R, Lin J., Zheng J., 1992. The effect of rare earths on the quality and output of rabbit wool. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1646-1650. | |
Thébault R.G., Vrillon J.L., Allain D., Fahrat E., Rochambeau H. de, 1992. Effect of non genetic factors on quantitative and qualitative features about Angora wool production in French farms. Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1568-1575 | |
Xu L., Chen Z., 1992. Studies on the effect of ambient temperature and relative humidity on feed intake and wool output of Angora rabbits . Proceedings 5th World Rabbit Congress, Corvallis 25-30 July 1992, 1672-1679. | |