3th World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April - Rome Italy

During this Congress, papers could be written in one of the 5 languages
English - French - German - Italian or Spanish
However each communication contains an English summary

The 115 communications are classified according the 6 congress sessions and by alphabetical order of the first author name in each session.
For each sessiont the main paper is presented first .


When pertinent, the original French, Italian, German or Spanish title of the communication was translated in English
Between brockets the original language in indicated

Click on the Name of the authors to load the full text of the communication


Matheron G, Poujardieu B., 1984. Rabbit genetics - Status and future perspectives [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 3-32

Afifi E.A., Emara M.E., 1984. Litter weight in local Egyptian and exotic breeds of rabbits and their crosses [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 126-135
Arruga M.V., Zarazaga I., 1984. Cytogenetic studies in rabbit somatic chromosomes (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 35-43
Baselga M., Blasco A., Estany J., 1984. Reproductive traits selection index with variable information [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 62-65
Blasco A., Baselga M., Estany J., 1984. Genetic studies of the rabbit carcass [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 119-125
Fleischhauer H. , Schlolaut W., Lange K., 1984. Influence of number of teats on rabbits rearing performance [in German]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 88-97
Hénaff R., Pilandon M.T., Touraille M., Gascuel J.S., 1984. Productivity and meat production value of a population of the French "Gris du Bourbonnais" rabbit breed [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 155-164
Kowalski J., Niediwiadek s., Gut A., 1984. An experiment on three-breed-crossing of middle breed rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 136-147
Lange K., Schlolaut W., 1984. Comparative investigations on the reproduction and fattening performance in two rabbit populations [in German]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 148-154
Lukefahr S. D., . Hohenboken W.D, Cheeke P.R., Patton N.M., 1984. Genetic component estimations and dietary influence for and on milk production and associative characters in rabbit breeds and specific crossbreds [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 98-106
Matheron G., Poujardieu B., 1984. Selection experiment on litter size in rabbits [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 66-78
Poujardieu B., Matheron G., 1984. Influence of a hot and wet environment on growth of young does [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 107-118
Rochambeau H. de, Vrllon J.L., 1984. Crossing performance of a Rex rabbit strain : first approach to the pleiotropic effect of this gene [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 44-53
Roustan A., Poujardieu B., 1984. Reproductive performance in rabbit : comparison of two methods of genetic improvement diffusion - preliminary results [ in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 79-87
Zaragoza, M.P., Arana, A., Amorena, B., Zarazaga, I., 1984. Electrophoretic study of the enzymatic polymorphism 6-phosphogluconic dehydrogenase (6-PGD) in rabbits of the Spanish common breed [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 54-61
Auxilia M.T., 1984. Economic aspects of rabbit production [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 167-195
Gaspari D., 1984. The economic and organizational problems that limit the development of rabbit production in Mozambique [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 220-226
Grazzani R., Möller F., 1984. Analysis of the profitability of rabbit breeding in Italy [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 199-206
Gualterio L., Valentini A., Finzi A., 1984. Study on the situation of rabbit breeding in the province of Viterbo [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 207-214
Rubbiani S., 1984. The role of the public supply channels in the rabbit rearing sector and the experience of the "direct channel" for the product of the sector [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 215-219
Tormene M., 1984. Economic hypotheses on rabbit breeding [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 485-538
Cheeke P.R., 1984. Rabbit nutrition and feeding : recent advances and future perspectives [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 229-241
Barge M.T., Masoero G., Reviglio L., 1984. Lipid requirements for rabbit does [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 453-460
Battaglini M., Grandi A., 1984. Estimation of the nutritive value of compound feeds for rabbit [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 252-264
Beltran M.T., Martinez J., Fernández J., Cervera C., 1984. Estimation of the nutritive value of various feedstuffs for rabbits [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 268-272
Berchiche M., Lebas F., 1984. Effect of methionine supplementation of a horse-bean based diet on growth and carcass caracteristics of broiler rabbits [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 391-398
Cabrero Sáenz E., 1984. Use of green alfalfa in the fattening of rabbits [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 384-390
Carregal R.D., 1984. Levels of protein and crude fiber in rations of growing rabbits [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 305-313
Carregal R.D., 1984. Effect of breeds and different levels of protein and crude fiber on the digestibility of nutrients in rabbit rations [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 314-322
Chiericato G.M., 1984. Effects of feeding level upon sorne peripheral androgen hormones concentration in the maturing rabbits [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 287-293
Fekete S. Bokori J., 1984. Influence of the cellulose and protein content of the ration on the voluntary re-ingestion of caecotrophs by the rabbit [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 273-278
Fomunyam R.T., 1984. Cabbage and banana/plantain leaf in rabbit diets [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 415-422
Gippert T., Fekete S., Hullár I., Rudas P., 1984. Efficiency of perchloric acid ammonia , as a thyreostatic agent in broiler rabbit nutrition [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 423-429
Hattori Y., Kozass M., Brenes J., 1984. Effect of Toyocerin powder ® (Bacillus toyoi) on the intestinal bacterial flora of rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 279-286
Johnston N.P., Berrio L.F., 1984. Comparative effects of cottonseed, soybeans, safflower seeds and flax seeds on the performance of rabbits and guinea pigs [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 408-414
Kormann A.W., Schlachter M., 1984. Preliminary trials concerning growth and reproduction of rabbits on variable supplementation of ß carotene and vitamin A [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 467-474
Lamb l. C., Partridge G. G., Fuller M. F., Allan S. J., Pennie K., 1984. The effects of different remating intervals and diet nutrient density on the reproductive performance and body composition changes of the lactating rabbit [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 438-444
Lebas F., Jouglar J.Y., 1984. Effects of calcium and phosphorus levels in the diet on productivityof breeding rabbit does [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 461-464
Leto G., Alicata M.L., Bonanno A., Bacchi M., 1984. Studies on the use of dehydrated orange and lemon pulp in rabbit meat feeding [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 368-375
Maertens L., De Groote G. 1984. Digestibility and digestible energy content of a number of feedstuffs for rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 244-251
Masoero G., Chicco R., Ferrero A., Rabino I., 1984. Rice and wheat straws untreated or alkali treated, in diets for broiler rabbits [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 355-362
Nógrádi S., 1984. Examination of crude fiber's digestibility in rabbit nutrition [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 475-487.
Parigi Bini R., Cinetto M., Carotta N., 1984. Digestibility and nutritive value of Leucaena leucocephala in growing rabbits [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 399-407
Partridge G. G., Radwan M., Allan S. J., Fordyce R., 1984. The use of treated straws in diets for growing rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 347-354
Polidori F., Dell'Orto V., Corino C., Pedron O., Bigli A., 1984. Use of cereals in form of dehydrated whole plant in high energy diets for meat rabbits (in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 339-346
Schlolaut W., Walter A., Lange K., 1984. Fattening performance and carcase quality in the rabbit in dependence of the final fattening weight and the fattening method [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 445-452
Seroux M., 1984. The use of monocereal diets for~ fattening rabbits [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 331-338
Seroux M., 1984. the use of protein plants for fattening rabbits : peas, lupin grains, field beans [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 376-383

Tag-El-Den H, 1984. Daily weight gain, feed conversion efficiency and digestibility coefficients as affected by protein levels and amino acids supplementation [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 294-304

Valentini A., Gualterio L., Finzi A. 1984. Preliminary research to employ a mushroom cultivation byproduct in rabbit feeding [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 363-367
Ward S., Owen E., 1984. Energy standards for growing rabbits : performance and digestibility as affected by hay content, fineness of grinding and level of feeding [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 326-330
Camps J., 1984. Management in rabbit farming, relationship with hygiene, with results, with "stress" and with ethology [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 9-35
Aumann J., Zimmermann E., Dempfle L., 1984. Factors affecting litter size in rabbits with post-partum insemination {in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 96-103
Bonfanti P., Sangiorgi F., Vismara L., 1984. Survey on structures and work organizzation in rabbit production in the Como province, in Italy [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 174-181
Castelló J.A., Pontes M., Costa Batllori P., 1984. Study on free or limited access to the nest [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2,
Colin M., Camps J., 1984. The renewal of reproducers in rabbit breeding, theoretical study of some practical solutions [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 64-76
Coudert P., Lebas F., 1984. Effects of feed restriction before and during the first gestation on productivity and morbidity of rabbit does [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 131-140
Di Rocco A., Di Emidio B., Guerrieri O., Paganico G., Galassi D., 1984. Notes on the microclimate in intensive rabbitries in central Italy [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 56-63
Koehl P.F., 1984. Observation during three years of technical results obtained by a sample of 48 rabbit production units [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 39-46
Pizzi F., Lucca C., Crimella C., 1984. Intensification of reproductive efficiency : use of testosterone and GnRH in the rabbit [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 77-86
Surdeau Ph., Perrier G., Plassier J.L., 1984. Comparison of two reproductive rhythms in the meat rabbit : biological results [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 104-116
Szendrö Zs, Barna J., 1984. Some factors affecting mortality of suckling and growing rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 166-173
Szendrö Sz., Holdas S., 1984. Relationship between the number of mammary glands and the production of female rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 141-148
Szendrö Zs., Szabó L., Csonka I., 1984. The influence of parturition frequency on the productive efficiency of the does [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 117-123
Szendrö Zs., Tag-El-Den T.H., Németh B., 1984. The effect of double mating on conception rate and litter size in rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 124-130
Tudela F., 1984. The incidence of the decrease of production costs on the technical and economical results in rabbit farms [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 47-55
Varga L., Szendrö Zs., 1984. Production of female rabbits as a function of age [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 87-95
Verga M., Leone P., Soliano S., Carenzi C., Crimella C., 1984. Investigation of some alternative materials for the preparation of the nest in the rabbit [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 156-165
Sinkovics G., 1984. Present status of rabbit enteric disease researche. [In English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 185-220
Badr H., Bognár K., Sinkovics G., 1984. The role of maternal immunity in the active immunization against myxomatosis [in Eglish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 236-242
Bernot J., Boiron JL., 1984. Monitoring the efficacy of Robenidine in rabbit farms [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 316-324

Borrlello S. P., Carman R. J., 1984. Observations on Clostridium spiroforme and rabbit enterotoxaemia [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 290-297

Elsinghorst Th.A.M., Misdorp W., Hendriks H.G.Ch.J.M., Timmermans H.J.F., Vles R.O., 1984. Endometrial carcinoma in the rabbit as an animal model for human endometrial carcinoma with special reference to some endocrine features [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 334-341
Galassi D., Pelliccioni A., Di Emidio B., Semprini P., Urbani G., Paganico G., Antonucci D., 1984. An paraimmunity inducer for the control of the conditioned infections in rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 243-249
Lebas F., Coudert P., 1984. Effect of the age of New Zealand and Californian rabbits at first service on their production and fate : preliminary results [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 223-230
Löliger H. Ch., 1984. Physiology and pathology of the perinatal period in newborn rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 231-235
Löliger H. Ch., Schroeder C.,Matthes S., 1984. Studies about the compatibility of antibiotics in rabbits after oral applications [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 326-333
Malesci A., Vignati F., Corti M., Greppi G.F., Abbiati R., Badalamentí F., Salerno F., Nordio C, 1984. 1984. Hypothalamic CCK-8 immunoreactivity in normal and CCl4 intoxicated rabbits assuming diets at different protein content [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 258-261
Matthes S., Löliger H.Ch., 1984. The use of chlortetracycline medicated feed in the prevention and treatment of enzootic diseases in rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 283-289
Okerman L., Devriese L.A., Maertens L., Okerman F., Godard C., 1984. Cutaneous staphylococcosis in rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 210-315
Panalis J., Schlolaut W., Lange K., 1984. Trichobezoars in Angora rabbit - Investigations for diagnosis and prophylaxis [in German]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 342-350
Patton N.M., Holmes H.T., Cheeke P.R., 1984. Respiratory pasteurellosis : incidence in young rabbits and mechanisms of transmission [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 298-309
Peeters J.E., Charlier G., Pohl P., Glorieux B., Geeroms R., 1984. Experimental Escherichia coli enteropathy in weanling rabbits [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 273-282
Peeters J .E., Pohl P., Charlier G., Geeroms R., Glorieux B., 1984. Infectious agents associated with diarrhoea in commercial rabbits : a field study [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 265-273
Puccini V., Tassi P., Francavilla G., 1984. Treatment of psoroptic ear mange of rabbit with injectable Ivermectin [ in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 354-360
Salerno F., Corti M., Greppi G.F., Badalamenti S., Leonardi M., Abbiati R., Nordio C., 1984. Plasma free amino-acids in adult rabbits with chronic liver damage fed diets with different protein content [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 250-257
Terbijhe R.J., 1984. Rabbit meat inspection in the Netherlands [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 351-353

Vörös G.- Gippert T., Szabó S., 1984. A field trial of some coccidiostatics on meat rabbits under large-scale conditions [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 1, 430-437

Gallouin F., 1984. Cecotrophic behavior in rabbits [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 363-406
Baccari F. Jr., Campos Neto O., Fré C.A., Moura A.S.A.M.T., 1984. Compensatory growth of Norfolk rabbits subjected to a moderate heat stress [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 488-495
Battaglini M. , Boiti C. , Canali C., Costantini F., 1984. Ovarian function of rabbit in response to exogenous GnRH administration and in the early post-partum period [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 430-436
Chiericato G.M., Marcomini F., Gomiero W., Ferrarin S., Velicogna L., 1984. Variations in peripheral levels of some steroid hormones during development in the rabbit [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 409-416
Corti M., Greppi G.F., Salerno F., Abbiati R., Badalamenti S., Rosi F., Nordio C., 1984. Protein metabolism in adult rabbits fed diets with different protein content : blood and tissues biochemical parameters. [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 535-542
Corti M., Salerno F., Greppi G. F, Abbiati R., Badalamenti S., Rosi F., Nordio C., 1984. Protein metabolism in adult rabbits fed diets with different protein levels : plasma free amino acid concentration [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 527-534
Crociani F., Minardi A., Castagnoli P., Matteuzzi D., 1984. Distribution of urease activity and ureolytic bacteria in the digestive tract of the rabbit. [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 510-517
Deltoro J., Lopez A.M., Blasco A., 1984. Allometry of the main body components, tissues and measurements of the rabbit carcass. I. [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 570-577
Deltoro J., Lopez A.M., Blasco A., 1984. Allometry of the main body components, tissues and measurements of the rabbit carcass. II. [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 578-584
Filotto U., Parigi Bini R., Cinetto M., 1984. Hystopatliological observations in rabbits fed Leucaena leucocephala [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 595-602
García F., Baselga M., Plá M., Deltoro J., 1984. Ovulation rate in meat rabbit. [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 426-429
Gidenne T., Lebas F., 1984. Evolution during a 24 hours cycle of content of the digestive tract in the growing rabbit. Relation with caecotrophy [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 494-501
Greppi G.F., Corti M., Salerno F., Rosi F., Nordio C., 1984. Protein metabolism in adult rabbits fed diets with different protein levels : nitrogen balance [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 518-526
Jilge B., 1984. The synchronization of the circadian caecotrophy rhythm with different photoperiods [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 481-487
Motta Ferreira W., João Campos E., de Sanctis Viana L., Andrade Ferreira S.R., 1984. Population density and its consequences on the weight of the adrenal glands of rabbits [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 453-458
Motta Ferreira W., João Campos E., de Sanctis Viana L., Andrade Ferreira S.R., 1984. Consequences of population density on leukocyte variations in rabbits [in Italian]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 459-467
Niedzwiadek S., 1984. Using regression equations to determine the meat, bone and fat content of New Zealand White rabbit carcasses [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 585-594
Pacs I., Szabó L., 1984. Sexual ethology of rabbits. [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 468-472
Plá M., Baselga M., Garcia F., Deltoro J., 1984. Mating behaviour and induction of ovulation in meat rabbit [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 437-445
Plá M., Baselga M., Garcia F., Deltoro J., 1984. Follicular categories associated with the mating behavior in the meat rabbi t: effects on uterine structure [in Spanish]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 446-452
Rahman A.S.M.H., Al-Mahmud K.A., Rahaman M.M., 1984. Haematological values of clinical healthy New Zealand White rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) raised in Bangladesh [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 553-561

Reyne Y.., Goussopoulos J., 1984. Characteristics of the endogenous system responsible for the circadian rhythms of food and drinking water intake in wild rabbits : study in permanent light and in permanent darkness [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 473-480

Rosi F., Greppi G. F., Corti M. , Nordio C., 1984. Circadian rhythms in N.Z.W. rabbits under different feeding schedules [in English]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 502-509
Rudolph W., Sotto V., 1984. A modified Janoschek equation for postnatal growth of New Zealand White rabbits [in Englih]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 562-569
Salse A., Raynaud P., 1984. Use of a mycelial fungus (Penicillium commune) in rabbit feeding [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 603-610
Torrès S., Hulot F., Meunier M., 1984. Comparative study of development and embryonic mortality of two rabbit genotypes [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 417-425
Viard Drouet F., Provot F., Coudert P., 1984. Evolution of plasma parameters in breeding rabbits does as a function of physiological status and feed restriction [in French]. Proceedings 3rd World Rabbit Congress, 4-8 April 1984, Rome – Italy, Vol. 2, 543-551