On-line pratical and scientific documents
in relation with rabbit biology or production

edited by L. Maertens & P. Coudert

From 2000 to 2005, the European Union authority has financed the cooperation between European rabbit scientists with specific funds for meetings organisation and short stays in foreign laboratories. It was known as program COST 848. A total of 170 scientists from 51 Universities or Research Institutes and 14 European countries were involved in this program

The present final book (300 pages - 6376 ko in this pdf form)
contents 30 articles summarizing the results obtained with help of this European program
The 5 main chapters are : Reproduction - Rabbit housing in relation with welfare - Pathology - Nutrition and feeding mainly in relation with does and young health - Meat quality and safety

At the intiative of T. Gidenne (WRSA General Secretary),

a free formulation software working with only Excel / Windows was adapted from poultry feeding to rabbit feeding. This WFFU-DA package (for Window-based User-friendly Feed Formulation Workbook) is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese language.

You can donwload freely the version you prefer from this Web site.
(clic on the image)

You can complete the raw materials composition basis of this package from the free website

an online encyclopedia of animal feedstuffs available worldwide

Nutrition of the Rabbit
Edited by Carlos De BLAS and Julian WISEMAN
Publisher CAB-International Wallingford UK
325 pp - ISBN-13: 978 1 84593 669 3

This collective (29 contributors) reference book on rabbit nutrition (17 chapters) is freely available as pdf file on this site
click on the figure left to load the pdf file


Developing Sustainable Rabbit Projects
Author : Steven .D. LUKEFAHR
2010 (2nd edition)
Publisher :Heifer International -USA
167 pp - ISBN -13-978-0-97884-6-9

It is a myth that raising rabbits is easy. Successful farmers are either well trained or gain valuable experience with time
Often such farmers seem to have a natural talent for raising rabbits. Nonetheless good training and development of special skills and experience are necessary for steady meat production. The purpose of this book is to assist rabbit project developers and scientists who target low-income families with small-scale rabbit meat projects. As a supplement, the latest information on the nutrient requirements of rabbits is available at the WRSA website (at the menu page: (On-line Practical Scientific Documents) and should be consulted as a guide.

click on the figure on the left to open the pdt version of the book


Tecnología de Producción de conejos para carne (in Spanish)
edited by Gustavo CAPRA and Oscar BLUMETTO

Published by INIA - Uruguay
187 pp - ISSN: 1688-9266

This publication N°216 of the INIA Technical Series gathers scientific and technological information
for the production of rabbits for meat, as a contribution to the work of technicians and
producers who seek the development of rabbit farming in Uruguay and in the southern region of
American continent
click on the figure on the left to load the pdt version of the book

A guide
(in French) on organic rabbit breeding
Guide élveurs.se.s : Elever de lapins BIO
Edited by a group of organic rabbit producers
Publisher CAB-Les Agriculteurs Bio des Pays de Loire - France - 44 pp


Through this technical guide, available free online, (clic on the figure on the left) you will discover the diversity of this emerging French sector and some key elements for the success of the production of organic rabbits, while respecting an animal / plant / climate / breeder balance. This production is not without risks and requires some time and experience to master.
Some data are given in the guide, they are not references, but examples. Seven examples of real production units are described

click on the figure on the left to load the pdt version of the book